Image in the mirror
What do you see when you look in the mirror? I hope you see an image of yourself. I suppose it is safe to say when you walk away from the mirror your image is no longer there. The same is true in your relationship with God. We are created in the likeness and image of God and that image is always with us unless we walk away. Think about it, do people see God (Jesus) in you?
This year is coming to a close and usually we find ourselves reflecting on the good and bad that we have encountered. We also start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Since this is the time of year we are deep in thought, let’s be sure to include how we reflect the image of Christ. If that reflection is not clear and needs some cleaning let’s go ahead and set into motion how we are going to clean the mirror. I will get the bottle of cleaner (Jesus) ready to spray while you wipe the image clean. As the cleaner runs down the mirror I want you to imagine all the things that have taken you away from Christ this year then we will wipe it all away and prepare ourselves for a fresh beginning.
Were you honest and sincere in your relationships this year? If not wipe it clean start fresh. Did you spend time in prayer, attend church, and read scripture on a regular basis? Go ahead get the cleaning cloth out. Were you prudent with your finances, living within your means, and helping others that are less fortunate? By now you know the routine, start wiping. Do you live an ethical and moral life? Are you a role model for others that are pursuing spiritual and emotional healing?
As you look over this list I bet you will find that your mirror is not as dirty as you think. Regardless, through the grace of God we can all be made clean. Christmas is a time of fresh beginnings, hope for a better tomorrow, and peace and goodwill towards all. Life is not easy especially in the economic times we are facing. There is much uncertainty in just about every facet of our lives. Yet amid the uncertainty there is a constant and that is the grace and love of Jesus.
I would personally like to say Merry Christmas to everyone. At the beginning of 2008 there were about 70 people that subscribed, now the number is over 2000 and growing. This has been my therapy as I battle cancer so a sincere thanks to everyone for reading, forwarding, and responding. I love you all.
Lord Jesus, your coming in the flesh to ransom us from slavery to sin gives us cause for great rejoicing even in the midst of trials and pain. Help me to patiently and joyfully accept the hardships, adversities, and persecution which come my way in serving you. Strengthen my faith and give me courage that I may not shrink back from doing your will in your gracious name we pray AMEN
This year is coming to a close and usually we find ourselves reflecting on the good and bad that we have encountered. We also start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Since this is the time of year we are deep in thought, let’s be sure to include how we reflect the image of Christ. If that reflection is not clear and needs some cleaning let’s go ahead and set into motion how we are going to clean the mirror. I will get the bottle of cleaner (Jesus) ready to spray while you wipe the image clean. As the cleaner runs down the mirror I want you to imagine all the things that have taken you away from Christ this year then we will wipe it all away and prepare ourselves for a fresh beginning.
Were you honest and sincere in your relationships this year? If not wipe it clean start fresh. Did you spend time in prayer, attend church, and read scripture on a regular basis? Go ahead get the cleaning cloth out. Were you prudent with your finances, living within your means, and helping others that are less fortunate? By now you know the routine, start wiping. Do you live an ethical and moral life? Are you a role model for others that are pursuing spiritual and emotional healing?
As you look over this list I bet you will find that your mirror is not as dirty as you think. Regardless, through the grace of God we can all be made clean. Christmas is a time of fresh beginnings, hope for a better tomorrow, and peace and goodwill towards all. Life is not easy especially in the economic times we are facing. There is much uncertainty in just about every facet of our lives. Yet amid the uncertainty there is a constant and that is the grace and love of Jesus.
I would personally like to say Merry Christmas to everyone. At the beginning of 2008 there were about 70 people that subscribed, now the number is over 2000 and growing. This has been my therapy as I battle cancer so a sincere thanks to everyone for reading, forwarding, and responding. I love you all.
Lord Jesus, your coming in the flesh to ransom us from slavery to sin gives us cause for great rejoicing even in the midst of trials and pain. Help me to patiently and joyfully accept the hardships, adversities, and persecution which come my way in serving you. Strengthen my faith and give me courage that I may not shrink back from doing your will in your gracious name we pray AMEN