Life Angel on Judgment


Maybe it was the new car or the vacation they just got back from that caused my anger to mount. It gets old watching everyone else have all the fun and all I do is work to make ends meet. What makes matters worse is I go to church weekly, I sing in the choir, I help out with the homeless, and if that isn’t enough I mow the church lawn free. You never see them doing anything other than partying, traveling and hanging out with people I would not allow my dog to associate with. One things is for sure when judgment day comes God will see all the good I do and he will surely cast them into eternal darkness, oh yes they will get what they deserve and I hope I see it happen.

About that time he remembered the first two lessons he had learned from the life angel and how much impact applying them to his life had. It was time to open the package again and pull out the third lesson entitled “judgment.” Of all things he thought this is the one I need the least. I do not judge he said to himself, I leave that up to God almighty himself. Regardless he sits down quietly to read and this is what it said.

When you are wore out, burned out, or bummed out because life has dealt you a low blow seek Christ. When the obstacles in life are growing at a quicker pace than your energy, take a break from standing and kneel in prayer before our Lord. When you linger to long in the stench of your hurt and you begin to smell like the toxins you despise it is time to replace the man made steel in your heart with the warmth and love of Christ. When the Goliaths in your life seemingly grow larger yet you continue to get reduced to oblivion it is time to see the pain and yearning that dwells in you instead of the enormity of others. God tells us we are made in his image so your choice is to look in the mirror of life and set yourself free or look out the window of life and stone your way to bondage. As written in scripture from Romans 2-1:3 “Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?”

With tears in his eyes, his life is flashing before him, and his heart beating out of his chest he knew that for his life to find meaning he had to prepare the temple of Christ for eternity. That temple my friends is you. If your temple needs a new paint job, better flooring, or the roof fixed take the time now to let the carpenter the builder of life into your heart so that the structure you repair will be death proof. It is time to awake the spiritually dead so that we may give love and life to others. Give Jesus Christ your risen Lord the key to your heart and then he alone the prince of peace and king of kings will judge the world through his eyes not yours.

Lord Jesus Christ as we embark on this New Year help us mold our hearts into havens of peace and love. Give us Lord the ability to move past the heartbreaks, anger, and disappointments of the previous year so we can align our lives closer with you. Lord we know that you are the savior of the world and the only judge of which holds the key to heaven, so as we embrace you we ask that you hold us tight that we may feel the true warmth of your love. We ask in your most Holy Name AMEN.


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