Last week I wrote what I thought was a great meditation. However the day I was going to send it out, I met a gentleman that suffered terribly from spiritual pain. That prompted me to postpone my writing while I considered how tough pain was to deal with. The next day I spoke to a long time friend that had some medical issues that was causing her great physical pain. Then I spoke to a person who had some problems at home that were causing him tremendous emotional pain. I could not help but think that God brought these people into my life to help me write something more meaningful and more important.

Have you ever considered the difference in spiritual, emotional, and physical pain, and if they are connected? Let’s start with physical pain for a moment; this is something every living human being will experience many times in their life. It could be something as simple as spraining an ankle or breaking an arm. Physical pain for the most part is something that is expected to naturally heal on its own. Unless it is extreme, this type of pain will not create pain in the spiritual or emotional realm.

Spiritual pain is something I believe most people suffer from at certain times in their lives as well. This type of pain is caused more times than not by the people and circumstances we surround ourselves with. Years ago it was considered normal to have total belief in the Bible and Jesus Christ. Now with the information age, we are taught to question everything, especially that which was handed on to us by our relatives. The act of faith has fallen by the side and reason has taken its place. If it cannot be explained in terms that make sense to us then we cannot possibly believe it. Oh sure we say we do, but do we really? Spiritual pain in my opinion is very dangerous due to the fact that it is based on ethics and morals. When we lose that base, we are left to “when in Rome do as the Romans.” Our spiritual identity is so important that we should exercise it daily to foster good health. Instead of getting caught up in the dirt of the day, seek the sunshine of humanity by sharing love and peace. Start the day by reading the scripture or a daily Christian meditation. If you see someone close to you starting to experience spiritual pain try to reach out to them and share your time and energy so as to bring them back to the family of the faithful. This pain too can be healed; and it is within our power to do so. It just takes faith and determination to correct your path when you stray; and when God forgives you, you must forgive yourself.

I saved the toughest for last, and that is emotional pain. I have seen many people over the years and you may be one that has suffered tremendous emotional pain due to circumstances you either created or found yourself in the middle of. I think this is by far the most dangerous of the three because it can magnify itself and cause pain in the spiritual and physical. We do not always know what causes emotional pain; we just know it is real and it exists. It may be that we have had a grandiose dream that we have shared with others and for whatever reason it shattered and we could not face ourselves or the people that knew about it. It can be caused by broken relationships, broken trust, crisis of identity, hidden abuse, sin, loss of a job due to your own actions, or a multitude of things. Regardless of what causes emotional pain, the cure is difficult and confusing. For some just talking it out or praying creates relief that cures the pain. For others, they mask the pain with addiction, violence, severe depression, or even suicide.

In our emotional pain, we need hope that things will change. If there is one supernatural ingredient Christ brings to all of us in our pain, it is hope. Jesus did not come to our world to push us down; he came to pull us up. Now, take your (our) emotional burden and hold your burden out to Him. Hold your burden out so His light and love can shine into your heart. As you hold your burden out in front of you, watch as Jesus comes and places His healing hands of power upon your hurt…and see His light and love pulling your emotional hurt over to Him…lightening your load, lightening your burden, and lightening your pain.

Let me close with scripture from Matthew chapter 5 “blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted.” Jesus Christ promises us rest in him and when all else of the world fails he will still be there and prevail.

Lord Jesus, your love brings freedom and pardon. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and set my heart free with your merciful love that nothing may make me lose my temper, ruffle my peace, take away my joy, nor make me bitter towards anyone in your Holy name I pray AMEN

Peace and Grace
Dale Childress


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