Hope is where life begins

It is hard to imagine a life without hope, yet hope exists all around us. It might even be you that is struggling to find a reason for hope. Especially as we mature, we feel the pressure to increase our material wealth while living life on the edge of financial disaster. That is a life of mere illusion; one with false hope as well as an absence of reality.

It is not my intent to preach; however, I do want to draw on Scripture to make this point. In the 11th chapter of Matthew we hear Jesus asking his disciples, “What did you go into the desert to behold?” Jesus asked this question to the disciples of John because they had come seeking the truth. Jesus goes on to ask them if they went into the desert seeking a man in soft raiment. Obviously the people were seeking out John and Jesus for spiritual wealth, not material wealth.

When we build our lives on material items, it often leaves our spiritual well dry. If life throws us a curveball, we have little to draw on which can bring us hope. Do understand that there is nothing wrong with wealth unless it impedes your gaining of spiritual strength. When something pulls us from the core of our existence, it drains the emotional and spiritual balance we were born with. Even though I write about cancer and the need for hope, this need extends far beyond those fighting this physical battle. Cancer can define so much more than bad cells fighting for their rightful place within our temples. I see so many people that have cancer of the spirit, cancer of the flesh, or cancer of their vision towards others. We must have hope in order to build our present.

I started this meditation by saying that hope is where life begins. Now I’ll twist that around and say that the absence of hope is where life ends. Hope and dreams can create so much more than we can possibly imagine. Whether you are rich or poor, sick or healthy, young or old, fat or skinny, hope is where life begins.

What can you do? You are going to start right now and put the past behind you. Our God is a god of the present and the future, not of the past. God is ready for you to rock this world and achieve things that you have only dreamed of. Put some fuel in that tank, crank your engine and let’s get this party started. It is time for you to live and become the greatest person you can possibly be.

Peace and joy
Dale Childress


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