Be Positive in Peace and Love
Now that we are three weeks into the New Year and some of our resolutions have already worn off, I want to write something encouraging. I often recite a quote I heard years ago that says, “What lies behind us and what lies before us pales in comparison to what lies within us”. It is a profound statement. In this age of quick fixes, buy it now, or instant gratification, it doesn’t take long for our senses to become numb to most things. Even though our senses may be numb, our heart and soul still yearns for peace and love.
Let’s spend a minute on negative people and negative behavior. It may even be you that I am talking about. Negative people and negative attitudes wreak havoc on us in more ways than we can imagine. I pray that while this New Year is still young, that you reform your resolutions to include being positive no matter what. Stop looking to place the blame on others when things do not go your way. Instead forgive them and move on.
Forgiveness is the essence of joy and the foundation of peace. Forgiveness is all about you, not the person you are forgiving. It is refreshing to lay that burden before Christ and allow him to restore your soul. Anger is a bitter pill that can lead to so many problems. Anger starts as an ember and works its way to a flame, finally engulfing your being. When anger encompasses a person, what remains is a lonely shell of self lost in the abyss of life. Anger, of course, is a natural reaction to many things; however, a well- tuned mine that is full of positive information can usually hold anger at bay because its foundation is too strong.
You may be thinking, sure Dale, you have no idea how tough my life is. I lost my job, my health is bad, my relationships are suffering, etc. The truth is I have no idea your circumstances but I will say this with total confidence of accuracy. Regardless how bad a hand life has dealt you, if you approach it in a positive manner, the end result will be infinitely better than if you approached it negatively. People desire to be around positive people. Employers want to hire positive people. We make friends with positive people.
Turning to scripture now I want to share Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. I believe firmly that a person cannot find joy, peace, love, and hope without Christ. I believe with all my heart that a person cannot have the strength to be positive without the Gospel being intertwined into their lives. Paul reminds us in his letter to Timothy “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of sound mind”. Christ has given us the ingredients to have love and peace, but only when our hearts reside in him.
This New Year is young and times can be tough. Hedge your bets and foster a loving relationship with Christ. Yesterday is gone forever, yet tomorrow is but a dream. Today is truly the gift He has given us, so please accept it in the manner in which it was bestowed. The present has power if you choose to live in it. Let your mantra forever be, “no one will steal my joy from me today, for this is the day that Christ has made”.
I am praying that you will not just get by, but that you will thrive. I pray that your life is restored completely, not partially. I pray that your eyes and ears are open to the beauty and joy around you. Be of good cheer and make today the best it can be.
Peace and love
Dale Childress
Let’s spend a minute on negative people and negative behavior. It may even be you that I am talking about. Negative people and negative attitudes wreak havoc on us in more ways than we can imagine. I pray that while this New Year is still young, that you reform your resolutions to include being positive no matter what. Stop looking to place the blame on others when things do not go your way. Instead forgive them and move on.
Forgiveness is the essence of joy and the foundation of peace. Forgiveness is all about you, not the person you are forgiving. It is refreshing to lay that burden before Christ and allow him to restore your soul. Anger is a bitter pill that can lead to so many problems. Anger starts as an ember and works its way to a flame, finally engulfing your being. When anger encompasses a person, what remains is a lonely shell of self lost in the abyss of life. Anger, of course, is a natural reaction to many things; however, a well- tuned mine that is full of positive information can usually hold anger at bay because its foundation is too strong.
You may be thinking, sure Dale, you have no idea how tough my life is. I lost my job, my health is bad, my relationships are suffering, etc. The truth is I have no idea your circumstances but I will say this with total confidence of accuracy. Regardless how bad a hand life has dealt you, if you approach it in a positive manner, the end result will be infinitely better than if you approached it negatively. People desire to be around positive people. Employers want to hire positive people. We make friends with positive people.
Turning to scripture now I want to share Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. I believe firmly that a person cannot find joy, peace, love, and hope without Christ. I believe with all my heart that a person cannot have the strength to be positive without the Gospel being intertwined into their lives. Paul reminds us in his letter to Timothy “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of sound mind”. Christ has given us the ingredients to have love and peace, but only when our hearts reside in him.
This New Year is young and times can be tough. Hedge your bets and foster a loving relationship with Christ. Yesterday is gone forever, yet tomorrow is but a dream. Today is truly the gift He has given us, so please accept it in the manner in which it was bestowed. The present has power if you choose to live in it. Let your mantra forever be, “no one will steal my joy from me today, for this is the day that Christ has made”.
I am praying that you will not just get by, but that you will thrive. I pray that your life is restored completely, not partially. I pray that your eyes and ears are open to the beauty and joy around you. Be of good cheer and make today the best it can be.
Peace and love
Dale Childress