Do you believe the old adage, “you get back what you give?” Let’s see here… I give to all those people standing outside the department stores, I sometimes throw a buck at the supposed homeless beggar on the street, and you know all those charities that come in the mail? I make it a point to give to at least one or two of them. Oh and I give to church sometimes, too. Darn, with all that giving I should be getting something pretty soon shouldn’t I?
The arrogance we display at times is amazing isn’t it? The items I listed above are usually given out of frustration and excess and not truly from the depths of the heart to where you feel the emotion in the money you share. Let’s take a deeper look at giving and how we can invest in ourselves and be fairly certain of the return.
In this age in which we find ourselves living most people have lost their passion for a cause that touches their heart. Our passion usually gets lost at a very early age due to the pressure we find ourselves in trying to conform to a society that is filled with depression and selfishness. A passion can be developed by giving much more than your treasure. When you find something that gets your energy flowing, your heart warming, and your emotions stirring, hang on to it.
This passion can be found in many facets or endeavors of life. I will say this, most passion when you find it will cost you money not make you money. If you are true to self and you are in a position to follow this passion the day could possibly come to where you make a living doing what you are passionate about. That is living a dream.
Is your life is stale, cold, boring, and depressing? Are you are allowing others to control your emotions based on their actions not yours? It is time to find a passion in life that makes you sparkle. The big question, how do I find this passion?
Let’s go back to giving. Jesus in Matthew 25 gives us a line for giving of self and in this giving of self, passions are made. Jesus tells them, “When I was thirsty you gave me drink, when I was hungry you feed me, naked and you clothed, sick and you comforted me, in prison and you visited me.” He said these people will inherit the kingdom of heaven. Those on the flip side are the ones that ignored him.
Today when we ignore people, we in turn get ignored. However, when we comfort people by giving, we in turn get comforted back. That usually comes in the form of God creating passion in our lives which creates energy to live a better, balanced life.
Only you know the life you live and how true to your heart you really are. Sure we all make mistakes, say or do the wrong things, or gossip when we should be quiet. But that is all yesterday’s business. Today your life can be different. Start simply by offering a smile to someone you encounter. Say thank you to those that help you instead of taking their help for granted. Quit trying to see life through the eyes of others while your lenses are fogged up with judgment and doubt about the depth of someone else’s character or desire.
It is time to live by giving. I heard a wise person one time say that you can know a person’s heart by how they invest in themselves. It will be hard to develop a passion in life if your investment in yourself is nothing more than hanging out in places that offer no value to you. Or if you are associating with friends who do not have your interests at heart in a time of crisis. Take a hard look at how you spend your time and money. If it is developing a positive energy, then I would say you are doing great things. At the end of the day, you find yourself always saying you did not have time to do the good things then I say you need to take another look.
I met a man recently that is dying of cancer. He told me that his life started the day he found out he was dying. He has packed more life into the last few months than any human being I have ever met. He truly found happiness once he found life. I urge you not to wait for some catastrophic event in your life to get you to start living and giving. Join the ranks of the living and let’s enjoy life together.
Peace and love
Dale Childress
check us out on youtube
The arrogance we display at times is amazing isn’t it? The items I listed above are usually given out of frustration and excess and not truly from the depths of the heart to where you feel the emotion in the money you share. Let’s take a deeper look at giving and how we can invest in ourselves and be fairly certain of the return.
In this age in which we find ourselves living most people have lost their passion for a cause that touches their heart. Our passion usually gets lost at a very early age due to the pressure we find ourselves in trying to conform to a society that is filled with depression and selfishness. A passion can be developed by giving much more than your treasure. When you find something that gets your energy flowing, your heart warming, and your emotions stirring, hang on to it.
This passion can be found in many facets or endeavors of life. I will say this, most passion when you find it will cost you money not make you money. If you are true to self and you are in a position to follow this passion the day could possibly come to where you make a living doing what you are passionate about. That is living a dream.
Is your life is stale, cold, boring, and depressing? Are you are allowing others to control your emotions based on their actions not yours? It is time to find a passion in life that makes you sparkle. The big question, how do I find this passion?
Let’s go back to giving. Jesus in Matthew 25 gives us a line for giving of self and in this giving of self, passions are made. Jesus tells them, “When I was thirsty you gave me drink, when I was hungry you feed me, naked and you clothed, sick and you comforted me, in prison and you visited me.” He said these people will inherit the kingdom of heaven. Those on the flip side are the ones that ignored him.
Today when we ignore people, we in turn get ignored. However, when we comfort people by giving, we in turn get comforted back. That usually comes in the form of God creating passion in our lives which creates energy to live a better, balanced life.
Only you know the life you live and how true to your heart you really are. Sure we all make mistakes, say or do the wrong things, or gossip when we should be quiet. But that is all yesterday’s business. Today your life can be different. Start simply by offering a smile to someone you encounter. Say thank you to those that help you instead of taking their help for granted. Quit trying to see life through the eyes of others while your lenses are fogged up with judgment and doubt about the depth of someone else’s character or desire.
It is time to live by giving. I heard a wise person one time say that you can know a person’s heart by how they invest in themselves. It will be hard to develop a passion in life if your investment in yourself is nothing more than hanging out in places that offer no value to you. Or if you are associating with friends who do not have your interests at heart in a time of crisis. Take a hard look at how you spend your time and money. If it is developing a positive energy, then I would say you are doing great things. At the end of the day, you find yourself always saying you did not have time to do the good things then I say you need to take another look.
I met a man recently that is dying of cancer. He told me that his life started the day he found out he was dying. He has packed more life into the last few months than any human being I have ever met. He truly found happiness once he found life. I urge you not to wait for some catastrophic event in your life to get you to start living and giving. Join the ranks of the living and let’s enjoy life together.
Peace and love
Dale Childress
check us out on youtube