The altar call of life

I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday that just happens to be a preacher. This friend is not your traditional preacher because his only affiliation is to Christianity not religion. We discussed in great detail the proverbial altar call and how many people dread that segment of the service. We also talked about the people that were moved by the altar call but for whatever reason could not and would not take action.

Jesus calls us into service on a daily basis. That call may be something as simple as a smile and a helping hand to someone hurting or it may be a call to remove the self inflicted toxins from your life. Whatever the call may be you know as well as I that heeding that call is the toughest step of mankind. I relate that to my first skydive being 16400 feet in the air with an open door and me looking down. If it were not for the friendly nudge of the professional diver attached to me I would have retreated back into my comfort zone. Once I made that leap the rest of the dive was amazing and liberating. I have heard people say the same thing about following the call of Christ. Once they take that leap of faith things start to happen.

I share this with you because I feel confident that so many people are frozen in time not moving forward and not moving backward, simply stuck. They are not heeding the call of anything much less Christ. The fear of moving forward with the eye on the past is enough to drive someone to depression. It is time to bury the past and take that leap of faith. If you attend a church that has an altar call get up and get moving. If the church you attend does not have an altar then make a confession and start the journey to a new life. If you do not go to church then create your own altar call by simply believing that your life matters.

Do not stay stuck in the moment any longer. People that know me know that I love the music of the 60's and 70's and I also loved growing up in that time frame however I also know that today I live in a much different world where peace and love are visibly absent. I cannot be stuck in the past and neither can you. Christ is alive and vibrant and needs you to be the same.

Is it time for the altar call? Well it is only mid week but you can start now by taking the leap of faith you have always wanted to take. Do something liberating that you fear the most. Call and forgive a friend, give money to the street corner beggar even though you question their intentions. Instead of being vindictive and controlling let your guard down and allow others to see that you have love in your heart. Let the new you begin today or better yet NOW.

Call to action? Darn right let the MOVEMENT begin.Will the new you please stand up.
peace to you


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