Atheism and Christianity
A couple weeks ago I ask for suggestions or concerns people
would like me to discuss in my weekly reflections. Needless to say I had some
wonderful responses and hopefully over a few weeks I will address many of them.
Today I would like to write about a controversial topic that two different
people from opposite walks of life wrote to me about and that is the rise of
Atheism or the decline of faith which ever you prefer to call it. As you read
this please understand that I do not in any form or fashion consider being an
expert on this topic. I am merely writing an opinion and trying to provoke thought
in your own minds.
There is no question that we are experiencing a challenge
from within our churches today. On one end you see churches hawking for money
to build bigger and better facilities and mask it in the name of faith. We are
lead to believe that if we do not do our part that we are not following the
teachings of Christ. Many of you may recognize this happening in your own
church and feel a bit jaded by the project if you tend to disagree with it. Obviously
there is a time a place for faith based institutions to grow and when done
properly it can be a positive thing that helps the community in many ways. Most
of you reading this will understand what I am talking about.
I had one reader write about how much the right wing
religious radicals try to control the thoughts and actions of our churches
today. This is a man made control mechanism that’s sole intent is to force
people to think and act the way they want you to think and act. When a church
becomes filled with the right wing religious zealots it will not be long before
the congregation leaves and sad to say many will leave their faith all
together. If you are a person that is IN YOUR FACE religious radical consider
if your actions or moving people toward Christ or away.
In order to get this next part correct I am borrowing an
exact quote from a person that responded to me: “ I find it interesting
that individuals will use the Bible to attack homosexuals and abortion, but conveniently
overlook or ignore the fact that Jesus applied grace and mercy when dealing
with the sexual immoral. “ WOW that says a lot doesn’t it.
This conversation could go on and on and I could write about
this topic for days, years or months. For the average sinner such as me and you
it is safe to say that you have experienced some or all of these issues in your
faith journey. Or you may have questions why bad things happen to good people
or good things happen to bad people.
My goal for writing this today is one to respond to what people
ask me to write about and two a wakeup call that together we can make a
difference. Even the so called right wing radicals are lost in their faith.
Jesus was strong yes however he was also full of mercy. Jesus was about
forgiveness and love not condemnation and hate. It is sad that many churches
today create an atmosphere of hate if you do not believe what they preach. I am
sure there are many people in the world today that would simply like to hear a
wholesome word of hope from scripture, a word that can get their moral compass
heading back north no matter what direction it is coming from. It is time we
hear and heed the teachings of Christ when it comes to forgiveness and give
people a second, third, fourth, fifth or however many chances they need to get
their faith based lives in order.
Let’s love those that hate us and reach out to those that
turn away from us. Let’s create a movement that places emphasis on love not
hate, acceptance not rejection. Instead of casting people out let’s pull people
in. It has to start with you so this is my reach out and I am asking you to
look in your heart and see if you are following the teachings of Christ or well
I will let you fill in the blank there. One thing for sure is this, we the religious
have made a fertile ground for Satan and atheism to flourish. Our actions have
driven people out of church and worse away from their faith. While we poked our
chest out others are finding relieve in drugs, alcohol, or even suicide. It
does not have to be this way. Love can and will find away.
Love me or hate me for writing this either way is ok. I am
not writing to be popular, I ask what was on your mind and you responded. I do
think Christianity is in trouble however I think there is plenty of hope as
well. There are many great works happening by Christians as well as people of
all faiths across the world. The people that seek to purify the altars of
Christ will look back one day and notice they are walking alone while those
that promote love and hope will have a host of people following their every
footstep. I have a book I give away to people suffering emotionally from the
effects of cancer the book is called ‘A Reason for Hope”. In the book there is
a question that simply says “DO YOU WANT TO LIVE”, my question to you is the
same do you want to live? If the answer is yes and I hope it is then the way to
life is through hope, love, giving, and forgiving in Christ. Do you really want
to live?
In closing I want to
disclaim that church is not bad matter of fact church is good as long as it
teaches what Jesus wanted taught. Church is good as long as it puts the faith
of the people first. Church is good when the voice of the have nots is equal to
or greater than the haves. Church is good when forgiveness and reconciliation
or not just words they are true actions.
Let’s unite and put faith back in our lives. I am in are
Peace to you
Dale Childress