Time Treasure Talent and HOPE
What comes first?
What is the most important person, place or thing in your
life? Let’s go ahead and go through the traditional litany of superficial answers
to this age old question. When ask what is A NUMERO ONE in your life most
people without hesitation say God, then going on down the list they include
family, friends, neighbors, pet, etc. You can fill the list in any way that
makes you feel the best right this moment.
The true litmus test in finding out what is most important
in our lives is where and how we spend our time, treasure, and talent (TTT). If
God is number one does your distribution of TTT support this claim? Continue
down your list of most important things and see where each item you listed
truly falls.
This simple little test is nothing more than a spiritual
mental exercise to get you to thinking about life in general. The real reason
for this writing is to help guide you away from things and more toward life
experiences. How often do you buy something in the hopes of getting you out of
the funk that life has placed you in? A purchase that is supposed to make you
happy again would be like drinking too much to help avoid the pain in your
life. Both leave you empty and still chasing the elusive lottery of life that
is going to put you back on track to face the challenge you so eagerly try to escape.
Experiences on the other hand can leave you with a lifetime
of stories that can carry on for generations to come. An experience can be
something as insignificant as visiting with friends and sharing silly stories.
It can also be something as important as a once in a lifetime opportunity to
check an item off the bucket list. Whatever it may be I will say that most experiences
trump material purchases.
Now the real message that you have probably been searching
for in this reflection. I get many emails a week from people that are
responding to the reflections I write. Most are positive, some are negative,
and some are an outreach or plea for help. Every now and then you get those
emails that literally stop you in your tracks. A couple years back I got an
email from a young girl that told me her dad was dying of brain cancer. Her dad
had lived a hard life and pretty much ignored her as she grew up. Her parents
had divorced and she was an only child with little to no family that had any
interest in helping them. She went on to say that no matter how her dad treated
her he was still her dad and she loved him very much. It became her mission as
a 16 year old to make her dads final months a time of reconciliation, spiritual
formation, and some fun experiences.
I have to tell you that over a short period of time I was
introduced to her dad via email and of all things his name was Rocky
(seriously). I watched from a far Rocky falling in love with life, God, his
daughter, as well as what family and friends he had left. This man in a short
period of time transformed a life of hard living to a life of soft loving.
Rocky gave people the ability to hope again and believe again. I will never
forget the email I got from his daughter when Rocky passed. She shared with me
this wonderful message. No matter how good or bad we think people are they are
still a creation of God. When we show a genuine expression of love towards
those that love does not seem to exist God will provide the warmth and strength
to press on. She went on to say that no amount of money or items could replace
those four months of experiences she shared with her Dad. She watched God
transform him into a missionary worker amongst his sphere of influence. God had
a purpose for her dad and that purpose is still being lived out today right
here right now.
Money can’t buy me love is a true quote however love can
sure buy you hope. The person that you feel has affected your life in adverse
ways on further review may have been the person that steered your life away
from destruction and moved toward one of love and living. Regardless how good
or bad, moral or ethical a person is they sometimes have a message that will
provide a positive turn in your life.
Every person has a story and every life has potential. Do
not spend your precious commodity of time condemning spend it forgiving. Do not
carry a grudge so heavy that it weighs you down and moves you away from God.
Lay that burden at the foot of the cross and pray that you will have the
strength to forgive and be forgiven.
I have now written over 300 of these reflections and they
are read in well over 30 countries and at last count by more than 150,000
people. What started out as a time filler while I was going through cancer
treatment has now reached people worldwide. It is my goal to always write a
message of hope. I will at all times avoid politics or a platform that supports
a particular flavor of the day. I simply want people to know that they are
important no matter where they find themselves in life. My mission is to help
people move away from their past sins and into future hope. I would love to
hear from anyone that has been effected one way or the other by something I
have written. I am about to finish writing my book Livin A Dream and would love
include some stories from you. My personal email is dchildress@livinadream.com
May God’s blessing be with you always
Dale Childress