How many would agree that too much emphasis is placed on outward
appearance these days? Before I go too far, I would like to disclaim here and
now that I do indeed think appearance is important. I believe with all my heart
that people should exercise, get plenty of sleep, and avoid habits that tear
your body down. With that said, let's dive into the message.
Do you think you’ll ever look good enough? Is your tan as bronze
as it should be? Do you need Botox to take care of those wrinkles that no one
else but you can see? Do you take the latest greatest diet pill while still
eating whatever you want? I think you get the message I am trying to convey.
Marketing is all about making money, so the companies hit you right where they
know they can get you to spend it. Makeup, cosmetic surgery, diet pills,
potions, and lotions are all huge profit makers for business. The question is
how profitable it is for you?
We can spend all of our treasure trying to cover up who we are,
but this means we live our lives trying to hide away the person inside. Think
about that for a moment. Our churches in some cases tell us what to wear and
how to keep our hair, the media tells us we do not look good enough or hot
enough, and to top it off, even our families have bought into
this facade and in many cases encourage us to buy into whatever
improvements the media is putting out.
Outward appearance is important, no doubt. At the opposite end of
the spectrum, it saddens me to see people that for whatever reason refuse to
take care of themselves. In many of my reflections I say that every person has
a story and there is no way for any of us to understand exactly why someone
acts a certain way. I want to move the conversation for now away from the
outward aspect and more toward the inner person.
Everyone is beautiful in their own way - I remember that line from
a song many years ago and I believe it to be true. I hope that as we continue
to grow in our movement we start to look at the person behind the tan and the
makeup. What lies inside is what matters the most. I love the quote "what
lies ahead of you and what lies before you pale in comparison to what lies in
you". Oh how true those words are. It is what lies inside that moves us to
a better place. All the makeup, dress up, Botox, tanning, and clothing will
never create in us the person God placed within our heart and soul.
Take a look around and see if you have been caught up in this
crazy roller coaster ride. Do you judge people on how they look or the actions
they display? Think long and hard before answering that one. It is not so much
our appearance before others that is so important as it is our appearance
before God. We are the temples of Christ himself which means we have to treat
ourselves with the utmost respect. That also means that we do not have to be
some Hollywood starlet or super athlete, we simply have to be who we are.
As you complete this reflection, take note of the scars, battle
wounds, little imperfections, or past mistakes that make up your outward appearance.
Now take stock of your heart and soul that make up the real person. You, my
friends, are the perfect creation. You are the one God picked out to make a
difference. God knew the mistakes you were going to make and guess what, he
loves you anyway. God knew that you would choose the pleasures of the world
from time to time while outwardly trying to convince the world of your love for
Him. God knew you would cheat and lie when the opportunities of life presented
themselves. God knew all this and still He chose you because He loves you and
needs you just like He created you to be, not because you look a certain way on
the outside
You can make your appearance radiate with love simply by showing
people you care. Another song that I think is so wonderful is an old tune by
Joe Cocker and as we close this reflection, please close your eyes and imagine
God singing these words "You are so beautiful TO ME, can't you see, you
are everything I hoped for, you are everything I need".
peace and love