The Big Three Faith, Spirituality, and Religion

If you want to start a war, then strike up a discussion about religion. It is a sure-fire way to create enemies in people that were once close family or friends. Over the centuries, many battles have been fought in the name of religion, for the record they would throw God's name in there too. Today around the world I cannot even begin to name the different variations of religions which all are certain that they have found the only means to salvation. I am not opposed to religion at all; I am opposed to some of the things it creates in people. Religion was originally created to organize people in such a way that brought them closer to God and helped take care of the less fortunate. As power and control crept on to the scene religion lost some of its focus. The people involved in the religion were convinced that unless they followed the teachings of their religion and or followed the leaders they risk losing their salvation. 

Faith, simply put, is trusting in that which you cannot see while having confidence in what you can see. Faith can move mountains we are told. Faith without works is dead, so the scripture tells us. Jesus rebuked those of little faith. Faith is love in its purest form. A child has faith in their parents; they trust that they will be protected by them. Faith is what provides us hope for a brighter tomorrow. Life without faith has little meaning.

Faith is, however, a volatile trait. The trust that we call faith can be damaged almost beyond repair by the religious community that we utilize to help build it. Proof of that is in the constant disagreements by the multitude of religions. I can't speak for everyone, but I bet if you formed a group of people that consisted of say five different religions, they would all share with you at length why their way is the right way. They will follow that belief UNTIL a mere human shakes them by some action that the church has to defend. When religion or the institutions behind them fail it almost always leaves a trail of carnage that takes generations to repair. That is why our faith has to be built on truth and love. If you happen to be Christian that truth would be the living Word of scripture. 

Spirituality, in my opinion, is our search for God within ourselves. We are created to be spiritual beings. We have within us the inherent knowledge that God our creator really exists. With that knowledge, we spend a lifetime trying to define how and why we know this to be true. Spirituality, unlike faith or religion, is our likeness to God. We were spiritual before we had faith or religion because it is part of our genetic makeup. It is mere humans that have taken that spirituality that God placed in us and exploited it to fight wars, create divisiveness in people and, sad to say, make money. We cannot remove the spirituality that is in us but we can suppress or mask it due to the experiences we have faced. Being that the spirituality is God given no matter how much it is suppressed God will continue to push it back to the forefront. Spirituality is our human connection to each other because we were all born with this unique DNA. Remember we are all one body. 

By now, I am sure that some of you think I have something against religion and I honestly do not. I think that if people can develop their spirituality within a religion and help deepen their faith, then it is a great thing. If, however, throughout your life you have felt that religion steered you wrong, then you still have the faith that God loves you. Our spirituality may grow cold at times, but it never leaves us.

The most important of the big three is FAITH. I say that because faith is what we have to develop to do the works which we are called to do. Faith is what will carry us through the darkest moments of life and will take the brightest moments and make them even brighter. Faith is an attitude that others can see in you, regardless what church you attend. Faith is LOVE, do not forget that. Religion, whether we like to hear it or not, is manmade. Again, I am not saying it is bad because I love my church and it helps me in my faith journey. 

There you have it, faith is love, spirituality is God within us, and religion is a manifestation of us humans. 
In closing I hope no one thinks I am telling them to stay away from church. There are great works happening around the world through churches. If your church helps you deepen your faith and makes your spirituality come alive then by all means you are in the right spot. Each one of us needs guidance and churches that are filled with love can offer that much needed support network. 

I am sure to spark controversy so feel free to email me or post your feelings. 

peace to you


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