Inside is important information about your account

How many times do you see those words in the junk mail that comes along? Important information please take action soon. Let's take a look to make sure your account is up to date so that you will not be someone else's junk mail. Pay attention this just may be more interesting than you think.

When was the last time you checked to make sure you had enough money in your bank account before making a purchase? I would hope you know every time you make a purchase whether or not you can cover the cost. Life is not much different. We make deposits into our accounts daily so that when it comes time to make a withdrawal we can cover what we need.

The question for this is what type of deposits or withdrawals do you make on an hourly basis? For the sake of conversation let's look at two types of accounts. One is what I will call the private account to where only you know how much you deposit into it. This is those subtle actions that happen when no one is around yet has a huge impact on your character as well as your spiritual checking account. In this God is the ultimate banker, he knows what you are putting in and TRYING to take out. If your spirit is down right mean, non caring, vengeful, or warm to the touch but cold inside then your spiritual account does not have much to draw on. This is probably the easiest to get back in balance. Simply be nice and do nice things. Make yourself proud to be you.

The next type of account we will look at is the public display account. How do you treat others and how do you treat God to others. There will be times in your life when other people emotionally hurt you and at times it can be a deep wound that if you allow it can get infected and leave a lifetime of scars. This is when you can either overdraw the account or make a deposit. Forgive the person (deposit), seek revenge or hate them for life (overdraw). When we make deposits in our accounts it starts to look better and as you know with your bank account it makes you feel better. So it goes with life.

If your neighbor is sick and you mow their lawn that is a deposit. If you know someone is hurting or made a bad choice and you turn your back that is a withdrawal. I bet you are starting to see the pattern here. It should be our goal to have more money in our life bank accounts than we are spending. We want to be spiritually rich when this life comes to an end. The way to do that is make deposits of kindness daily.

In your quest to fatten the old life account be aware of becoming something you are not. Genuine kindness goes much further than a false self. Be who you are and be where you are. Take yourself down from the pedestal of life and enjoy the view from ground level. Get in the game and that game is not displaying words of faith for others to see yet going about being someone totally different. Actions truly do speak louder than words.

One more time folks and this time really pay attention because this is the windfall deposit of a lifetime, "ACTIONS TRULY DO SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS". You may be thinking yep darn right his or her actions were terrible they down right sucked and I hope they rot in hell for what they did (or did not do). Come down off your high horse if this was where your brain went. The actions I am speaking of are yours not someone else's.  You will make horrible mistakes in life and those actions will in fact cause some emotional harm to others. It is the actions after that which speak louder than words. You can make up for your own poor decisions if you really try. Never get in the mindset of "why bother I have already screwed up to bad". That is words of the devil, Christ proved that we are worthy of a second chance. Just because you filed life bankruptcy does not mean you cannot rebuild your account.

The last point I want to make in regards to this is how much you can help others grow their accounts. You can either force people into bankruptcy or you can help them avoid it. When people harm you always remember you cannot see life through their eyes. You have no idea what they are facing. Be Christlike and turn the other cheek, forgive, and then lend them a hand. Sometimes dining with the people you think are the devil will bring you closer to Christ.

Well it is time to kick start this day so let's all go out and make some deposits so we can sleep good tonight knowing our account is in balance.

peace to you


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