Last week I had a person write to me and with her permission I decided to share a few comments. She asked me why people could not accept her as she was. She went on to say that she wished people could accept her religion (which by the way is Christian), and the things I like without forcing on me the things they like. Here was the biggie that really got me though when she said “why can’t people just love me for me”. Her final comment was that she always felt that she had to try to be someone she wasn’t and that other person she was trying to be kept her from loving God and herself.

There is so much wisdom in those words which effects more people than we would like to admit. We find in Luke 10:27 where Jesus says “love your neighbor as you love yourself”. I had not given that too much thought until this lady wrote her response. Prior to this it was just words written in the Bible. Now I understand that when we struggle to love people as they are it may be because we do not have the ability to love ourselves as we are.

When you look in the mirror what do you see? Better yet when others look at you what do you think they see? Are you quick to judge others when they fall or do you try and help them up without feeling like they owe you? Are you constantly disappointed in the actions of those close to you without considering that you may be the disappointment? I ask these questions only to get you to have an objective view of your life. To love others you have to accept them just the way they are and the same goes for yourself. To love you takes accepting you.

Last night I heard a song from my childhood and it is called “Jesus loves me”. Here is a famous line from the song “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong, they are weak but he is strong.” Consider making this your prayer today and every day. Say it often, sing it loud, pray it in silence but please believe it.

To those that have trespassed against you forgive them right now and I promise it will give you power back over your life. Next honestly forgive yourself for anything you have done or considered doing that has brought division between you and Christ. If you still have the will to go on, and I hope you do, now it is time to accept those close to you just as they are because if you can’t you will struggle to accept yourself. People cannot disappoint unless your expectation is too high. No one can live up to the pedestal we set them on, which means we need to keep everyone at ground level and accept the gifts they bring into our lives. Remember when St Paul said “we are many parts but all one body’?

If I could in closing let me recite some words from the prayer of St Francis: “Make me a channel of your peace, where there is despair let me bring hope. Where there is darkness, only light, and where there is sadness ever joy. “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

Love unconditionally, see Christ in those you come in contact with and especially see him in yourself. Take your life back starting right now and enjoy the love that Christ has promised. Now when the question is asked “why can’t people just love me for me” the answer is they can if you let them.

Peace and grace
Dale Childress


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