Several years ago a major university did a study on 6th graders and their parents. The objective was to see how big the kids dreams and fantasies were verses that of their parents. They brought in the kids gave them all some paper and ask them to list their life dreams. When the allotted time was up the papers turned in, much to the surprise the average kid had filled up one side of the paper and most had written on the back as well. It was obvious that regardless what was going on in their young lives they still had grand dreams of a great future.
Then the parents were brought in and given the same task. The average parent was able to list three things they still dreamed of. To magnify this even more of those three dreams only one could be considered a child like fantasy that gives hope for a brighter tomorrow.
I often ask the question, at what age did you stop dreaming? When did you realize that you were not going to be Cat Woman or Super Man? I think this is a sad thing indeed. I have said for years as I crossed this country that if the devil wanted to control the world all he had to do was take away our ability to dream. Once we are reduced to creatures of habit with no vision for the future the world becomes cold and chaotic.
Life certainly is full of circumstances that can impact our ability to have hope in the future however it is those people that can rise above it that give us all better lives. Think about all the medical technology we have or the computers that literally help us in every aspect of life. We have vehicles, planes, trains, and heck we may soon be able to beam people. The possibilities are as limited or unlimited as we make them. These great things we have are all because someone had the ability to dream and the courage to pursue it.
If you study many of the people that invented or discovered some of the wonderful luxuries we have you will find that they were either poor, college dropouts, and many were dying of age related illness or cancer. The point is this NEVER give up on your child like fantasies. When you give up the devil gets started. We were given the mind to use so use it. The choice is to be a zombie of society and live in the shadows of why you can't or turn on the light, wake up the dead in you and believe that you do have a greater purpose than what you are currently doing. You see life is truly worth living even at its most difficult times. Our greatest work is often done when we are at our lowest point.
Do not leave this earth with your best work still in you. Get it out, the world needs what you have. We can never have a place of peace and love if our greatest minds take their dreams to the grave. God needs you to believe that you can make a difference. If you don't believe that anything is possible just think of what all the computer you are reading this reflection with can do or that smart phone that is sitting beside you. Those were space age fantasies 30 years ago yet here we are. I hope in 30 more years people will be talking about how YOU came back from adversity, let your music out, and changed the world into a better place to live. Remember the old saying "an idle mind is the devil's playground"? Well let's get these minds stirring and give back to God the gift he gave us and that is to use our minds to make the area around us a better place to be.
peace to you