The Giving Well

What do you do when the well runs dry? Life threw you a curve ball that came at you so fast and hard you were not able to hit it. When you finally struck out and everyone left you standing in the empty stadium all ALONE, where do you go and what do you do.

Those lonely walks back into life after something has knocked you down are some of the most difficult journeys you will ever take. You struck out, you lost the game, it is over, the world is laughing or pissed off, a simple hit is all you needed to win the game and you failed. That makes that lonely walk back even worse. Your chance to be a hero went up in smoke and now the way people will remember you is LOSER (so you think).

That may seem like a silly analogy however you can plug in anything you want and you can make it make sense for your own life. Those moments when all hope is lost and you feel like you have no where to turn can be some of the heaviest burdens to carry. When decisions are made at life's most desperate of times usually the outcome is not good. This is where you need an arsenal of past experience to rely on. It is my hope that you have built a strong spiritual and faith base that can help guide you through the fog of life.

Let's say for a moment that you have not prepared for the fog of life. When the big moment of shame comes all you know to do is to say screw it all and go do something that makes the situation much worse. The ole "what difference does it make now" or "who the hell cares anyway". I bet you have had these feelings at some point in life or you know someone that has. Even if, and pay attention here, even if someone has ill prepared themselves for a downturn or they made a horrible decision that hurt lots of folks that does not give us permission to turn and walk away. With proper caution we can help those in need find the life that can give them the hope they need to pick up the pieces. We can help turn scars into stars if we truly believe that love can find a way.

Life often times gives back with interest what we have put into to it. Just like a wise investment. It should be your goal to invest daily in your life by doing the best you can for yourself, your family, and those of whom you encounter. If you leave a trail of bitterness, hate, or simply I DON"T CARE everywhere you go then your investment is not going to show a profit. You can spend your time going around making things RIGHT in your eyes, yet the truth is what you are doing is wrong, which in the end will leave your well dry just when you need it the most. Remember we are not the judge or executioner. We are the missionaries that help facilitate peace and hope.

We can only drink from a well that has water and the only way to have water is to dig deep. When your life is shallow I can tell you this, your well of friends will run dry real quick and you will be left with little strength to swing when the curve ball comes at you.

You see if your circle of friends is built as an exclusive group that segregates itself from the world you will find yourself ill equipped to battle the forces that are sure to come your way someday. To build an investment that will give you security in your future you must invest in peace, love, and forgiveness. If you are taught to invest otherwise then that will be what investment brokers call high risk and my question to you is this, IS IT WORTH IT.

You can start today digging your well deeper so you can enjoy the cooler, sweeter, purer water that it will provide. The deeper well will bring you a lifetime of water and check this out it will also provide water for future generations. Don't forget when we work together we can help others dig their wells deeper too.

peace to you



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