Heart Soul and Hate
This is going to be the shortest reflection I have ever written yet in my opinion the most powerful and profound.
The heart and soul of the matter is love yet it is the one thing as humans we struggle to express the most. If faith can move mountains love can change the universe.
If love can change the universe then why do we go to great lengths to express our division and not our unity. If you belong to or associated with any type of movement or religion that elevates itself and it's members to a position above others then you are not working to heal the heart and soul of the acre God entrusted you too.
Today think about how you see and feel about others. If you have clear vision of their sins and poor visibility of your own then I would say you struggle with love. If your relationships are not going the direction you would like them to consider if you are putting genuine love into them. Sometimes that means stepping back and allowing the other person room to heal. Remember to have a friend you must first be a friend. To feel love you first have to express love. There is too much pain the way we are all doing things so let's do something radical and change it. LOVE AND PEACE is the way to go.
Let's change the universe starting now, let's create a peace and love movement so big there is no room left for hate.
Well that's all I have
peace to you