
Life is difficult enough without us going around tearing people down with our words. I have spoken often about kindness and how much of a positive impact it can have on your own life as well as those you encounter. By the same token mean spirited words also have an impact on people just not positive.
For years now I have worked hard to write and promote a positive spiritual message that if shared would hopefully make others have a pleasant thought on what they are reading. Today as I reflect on what I wanted to write I felt compelled to talk about simply being nice.

There isn't many things in our society anymore that promote being nice. TV sure doesn't do it nor does the internet. Facebook as powerful as it is could be a wonderful place for positive affirmations however even it has become a place where freedom of speech has given way to evil post about other people. We feel free to speak badly about others and even poke our chest out in doing so. What most people would consider a safe haven or at least a place to elevate a message of hope is our churches, however as sad as it is even those institutions have developed a narcissistic attitude. Church has become more about the church and less and less about the people that attend. So where do we find these positive affirmations that I speak of?

They come from YOU. This movement has to start somewhere. There have been periods in the world to where being filled with peace and joy was cool. We have to return to those days somehow someway. People are being held captive not so much by their actions but by the words of others. For love to have any chance at all of coming alive again in our lives it has to start in our own heart. We simply have to find the good in others. If for whatever reason we cannot find that good then we just need to keep our mouths shut. We do not need to be ones that feeds the gossip fire we need to fan the fires of love and peace.

Think about the things that stress you out the most. I bet somewhere in that stress are people that you either hold a grudge against or you think they hold one against you. STOP the madness right now and just let it go. Speak kind or do not speak. I am not saying be meek at everything I am saying be kind. Kindness will produce a warmth that kindles the fires of love. Once that happens the hope you lost will be restored and your life will start producing a light that will make others take notice.

I can only do my part to promote kindness the movement needs you. If you want to change your life in a positive way do not wait for the cows to come home, a new administration to come, the kids to get out of school, or the weather to improve. Start right now right where you are by being kind to those close to you. That kindness has to include being good to yourself.

Let's get this party started. I am ready for the change, are you?

peace to you


Anonymous said…
I love this!! I do often wonder why some people choose to be not kind. It's so much more rewarding to be kind. And you know it's the simplicity of life. The folks who choose what I call 'drama' in their life that is complicated!! Who wants that!! You keep writing and just maybe you will get those drama folks to KIND!! Have a good day!

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