Left Behind

Who is your church leaving behind? Could it be you or someone you know? Do you feel you have to make excuses for the actions your church takes against other people? Are you trying to hard to fit in?

Since I opened this can of worms several weeks ago, I have heard so many heartbreaking stories from people who feel totally outcast from their church. Most of these people still go to church, however, the message and mission they are receiving has changed drastically over the years. There was a time when your local church was all about saving souls, working in the streets, meeting the sinners on their terms. Now many churches are like department stores, they unlock the doors and it is your job to find them instead of them finding you.

So who gets left behind? I am not sure I can objectively answer that question. I do know that over the last few weeks I have spoken to and shared stories with some amazing spiritual faith-filled people who refuse to attend church. These are the people that are working in the streets to save souls. They are the ragpickers willing to go the extra mile to give a person hope.

Have you ever looked up the word disciple? A disciple is a pupil, a student, a follower. Jesus walked the streets and healed people. He taught people and they in turn felt compelled to teach more people. Jesus commanded us to go out and make disciples of all nations. He never said to go to church and get involved in all the political issues that truly do leave many behind. Jesus did not put requirements on membership other than to repent and believe.

So what happened? Well, the church became a business somewhere along the way. Forgive me for saying that, but I bet everyone reading this can relate to your church asking for more and more money. We have to grow, we need more members, yet we can't save the lost sheep that litter the fields of our society.

I do go to church – why, you may ask? Believe it or not I, like you, have many friends that attend. I also enjoy a good wholesome message when I get it. I do not attend church from the "I have to" standpoint; I choose to go or not go and I do not feel guilty when I miss. I do not feel I am sinning when I miss church and neither should you. Do not allow guilt to motivate you, let love motivate you to action. When love is your motivator and guide, your spiritual journey will flourish and your faith will grow deeper than ever before.

The great news is this, there are many churches out there that still believe in preaching and teaching people how to be disciples. If you happen to attend one, you are blessed, my friend. If you have to apologize for your church, then by all means forgive everyone and move on. You deserve to grow spiritually, and together in the movement we can do it.

peace to you


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