50 Shades of Color

As a kid didn't you just want to color outside the lines sometimes? I know I did. I struggled so hard to color inside the lines yet found a wee bit of comfort when I allowed myself to cross those sacred lines that were only on paper. I remember reading a quote one time by Mark Twain that went something like this, "if you find yourself following the majority too long you better stop and evaluate where you are going". That is not verbatim I am sure but you get the message. What does this quote and coloring outside the lines have in common, well read on.

Last night I got two calls from people that had loved ones dying of terminal cancer then I got an email about a 30 year old friend that had died suddenly of a blood clot. This magnified in my mind how the sands of time keep blowing no matter how fast or slow we move. Time is a constant it is not waiting for any of us. The value of life is found in the living in the now. So many treasures await those who seek the sacredness of the peaceful bliss the current moment has for us.

Stop living in the yesterday. Memories are wonderful and thanks be to God we have them but we can't allow those memories to keep us frozen in a time that will never return. As you paint a portrait of what your day is going to look like consider coloring a little closer to the line and then when some beautiful shades of yellow, pink, blue, brown, red, and green get over the edge enjoy the moment and be thankful you had the courage to be different.

Your 50 shades of color are much better and brighter than any book ever written. Your life has so much more to offer when you step out of line and allow yourself to be the person you dreamed of being. This does not always mean changing jobs or relationships, it simply means changing the way you view the world around you. If you are like me, you are conditioned to believe that the world is filled with doom and gloom. I decided a few weeks ago to break with that thought process and color outside the lines. No longer do I color the world in simple black and white now I have the beautiful hues that will surely make my day special. I stand up for the hippie that promotes peace and love, color, and the courage to walk were the masses fear to tread.

If you find yourself walking the line of hate and bigotry or judging the world with empty gossip I would ask you to consider changing your focus for a few days. Enjoy stepping outside the lines and seeing what life can be like if you put all prejudice and judgement aside. Who knows the colors outside the line just might be brighter and bring more joy and satisfaction to an otherwise black and white existence. Remember the sands of time continue to blow.

peace to you\


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