I am flawed, yep me Dale am a terribly flawed individual. There was a time that I looked upon my flaws as curses from God until one day I realized they were actually gifts. I too struggled with a flaw being a gift until others so kindly highlighted my shortcomings
I like to have a glass or two of wine every now and then. Does that make me flawed?
I enjoy challenging the teachings our society has placed on church and spirituality.
I am tempted to ride the fence of sin often times falling off the side of wrong. Not sure that makes me a flawed individual or not.
I support Gays, blacks, and people from all walks of life. Maybe that makes me flawed too.
I have made mistakes in life that have caused me to fall out of favor with certain people. Could it be that they were looking for the error in my ways instead of facing their own.
The bottom line is I am flawed, kinda like you are. I walk, talk, live, and breath with every human tendency that each and every one of you have. We are one folks, simply put we are in this together. We can fight this unity until the house of cards comes crashing down or we can learn to embrace and love each other which will give us the strength to overcome just about any obstacle that exist.
We build bridges not walls. We reduce stress not create it. We love people because they are human we do not hate them because they are different. We see the scratches and dents as war injuries for living a life of helping others.
Life is porous it is constantly absorbing and releasing positive or negative energy. Life is not a sealed unit only reserved for the blue blood of society which by the way truly does not exist. We attract what we put out. If you exploit the flaws of others yours too will be magnified.
As it is said in the Gospels "the measure of which you judge others will be measured unto you". If that be the case why in the world do we spend our time condemning and not elevating.
I met a young man recently that had every human flaw known to mankind. He had tattoos from head to toe, he was a reformed drug addict, he was your common criminal. This man was searching for a way to get his life in order. Churches exploited him by putting him on public display to elevate their mission roles. The problem with that was that when he did not reform fast enough it became the work of the devil and they cast him out like a bad demon. He was flawed and thank goodness he was.
I shared many wonderful hours and stories with this young man. I saw in him a brilliance that others missed. This man had a passion for people that was second to none. I lifted up his values and turned a blind eye to his past. He started coming to life in the community, you could see his self confidence and worth growing each and every day. He was truly a gift to so many. UNTIL. One day a couple of do good right wing righteous found out his past and made it public to the point that he was released from the work he was doing. He was a liability now instead of an asset. So who did the work of God here? The man with the body tattoos or the people that condemned him. Let's see I think Jesus had a parable with a similar theme to this.
Friends we are all flawed and inside those flaws are graces just waiting to be let out. Love the present not the past, give some one hope in the future. The greatest life lessons will come from the least expected places. If you search for all of your faith formation within the highly theological intellectual minds of spirituality trust me you will miss the simple message Christ came to teach us.
peace to you
I like to have a glass or two of wine every now and then. Does that make me flawed?
I enjoy challenging the teachings our society has placed on church and spirituality.
I am tempted to ride the fence of sin often times falling off the side of wrong. Not sure that makes me a flawed individual or not.
I support Gays, blacks, and people from all walks of life. Maybe that makes me flawed too.
I have made mistakes in life that have caused me to fall out of favor with certain people. Could it be that they were looking for the error in my ways instead of facing their own.
The bottom line is I am flawed, kinda like you are. I walk, talk, live, and breath with every human tendency that each and every one of you have. We are one folks, simply put we are in this together. We can fight this unity until the house of cards comes crashing down or we can learn to embrace and love each other which will give us the strength to overcome just about any obstacle that exist.
We build bridges not walls. We reduce stress not create it. We love people because they are human we do not hate them because they are different. We see the scratches and dents as war injuries for living a life of helping others.
Life is porous it is constantly absorbing and releasing positive or negative energy. Life is not a sealed unit only reserved for the blue blood of society which by the way truly does not exist. We attract what we put out. If you exploit the flaws of others yours too will be magnified.
As it is said in the Gospels "the measure of which you judge others will be measured unto you". If that be the case why in the world do we spend our time condemning and not elevating.
I met a young man recently that had every human flaw known to mankind. He had tattoos from head to toe, he was a reformed drug addict, he was your common criminal. This man was searching for a way to get his life in order. Churches exploited him by putting him on public display to elevate their mission roles. The problem with that was that when he did not reform fast enough it became the work of the devil and they cast him out like a bad demon. He was flawed and thank goodness he was.
I shared many wonderful hours and stories with this young man. I saw in him a brilliance that others missed. This man had a passion for people that was second to none. I lifted up his values and turned a blind eye to his past. He started coming to life in the community, you could see his self confidence and worth growing each and every day. He was truly a gift to so many. UNTIL. One day a couple of do good right wing righteous found out his past and made it public to the point that he was released from the work he was doing. He was a liability now instead of an asset. So who did the work of God here? The man with the body tattoos or the people that condemned him. Let's see I think Jesus had a parable with a similar theme to this.
Friends we are all flawed and inside those flaws are graces just waiting to be let out. Love the present not the past, give some one hope in the future. The greatest life lessons will come from the least expected places. If you search for all of your faith formation within the highly theological intellectual minds of spirituality trust me you will miss the simple message Christ came to teach us.
peace to you