Peaceful Hippie
I have so many thoughts rambling around in my feeble brain that it will be near impossible for this reflection to make any sense. I sit here wondering why people argue over the darnedest things. The mere mention of politics or religion can make the closest of friends enemies for life. With the advent of social media you can literally watch these arguments unfold right before your eyes. People want to SHOUT loudly their platform on something with total disregard for others feelings or whether they are right or wrong. Often times you hear those famous words "you have to stand for something or you will fall for anything". Hey, I agree with that, but gosh stand for things that promote love, unity, and harmony not bitterness and divisiveness.
Who do we think we are anyway? Why do the BIBLE toting self proclaimed righteous right winged Christians step up to the stage and spout off against people when they fail to heed the words they claim to preach. Jesus plainly says "the one without sin cast the first stone". This may be one of the most repeated verses in the Bible but only when sin is directed towards us, right. We love to replay that little verse when we are the ones being condemned.
My simple stance on many issues are this, we must abide by the laws our cities and country are governed by. That is what gives us the freedom and protection to be who we are and where we are. Hopefully that is obvious. Once outside that we are left to what we can call the moral laws of society. Since most local laws incorporate some semblance of moral law such as you shall not steal, murder, or harm others because you will go to jail we have a road map of a what is right and wrong built into our communities. With that what gives anyone the right to place someone else's sins above their own?
If Satan is real, and for the record I assume he is, then he must absolutely love God's children bickering about the small stuff in life. Families, churches, relationships, and treasures are destroyed over people shinning nice bright lights on the sins of others. I know I am an old school hippie but by gosh love and peace still seems to conquer all. Call me silly I am ok with that but I tell you this I do not see the platforms of the world gaining to much foothold that can move mountains or create any type of movement.
You remember the old song from the late 60's "I want to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony"? What do you think it will take to get some harmony moving in our own little acre of the world? Please do not say a good dose of Jesus because people have been preaching that message the wrong way for years. Harmony is trying to live the message of Jesus by loving others not preaching a verse in the Bible that you have interpreted to mean something that gives you the right to be well mean.
Give thought to this, if the non christian community observed the majority of the Christian community how many people do you think the Christians could attract? Check out the news of late and see how many people are leaving the Christian churches of the world. It is a staggering number and I don't blame them. I will admit the Gospel is preached well at some pulpits around the world but it is not lived once the people walk out the door.
I certainly want to stand for something in life no question about that. I hope in the end people will remember me for trying hard to promote love, peace, forgiveness, and acceptance. I, like most, am a work in process and I am no where near where I want to be but trust me I work on it daily. I will not get caught up in the platforms of hate. I love gays, people of color, faiths different than my own, republicans and democrats, hippies, and yuppies. I love the differences each stands for as long as it does not promote hate and violence. I am a sinner seeking a life of love. That search will take me near and far through valleys and over mountains but at the dimming of life's lights I believe the quest for peace will be worth the pain of the journey.
There you have my random thoughts on something that probably amounts to nothing.
peace to all
Who do we think we are anyway? Why do the BIBLE toting self proclaimed righteous right winged Christians step up to the stage and spout off against people when they fail to heed the words they claim to preach. Jesus plainly says "the one without sin cast the first stone". This may be one of the most repeated verses in the Bible but only when sin is directed towards us, right. We love to replay that little verse when we are the ones being condemned.
My simple stance on many issues are this, we must abide by the laws our cities and country are governed by. That is what gives us the freedom and protection to be who we are and where we are. Hopefully that is obvious. Once outside that we are left to what we can call the moral laws of society. Since most local laws incorporate some semblance of moral law such as you shall not steal, murder, or harm others because you will go to jail we have a road map of a what is right and wrong built into our communities. With that what gives anyone the right to place someone else's sins above their own?
If Satan is real, and for the record I assume he is, then he must absolutely love God's children bickering about the small stuff in life. Families, churches, relationships, and treasures are destroyed over people shinning nice bright lights on the sins of others. I know I am an old school hippie but by gosh love and peace still seems to conquer all. Call me silly I am ok with that but I tell you this I do not see the platforms of the world gaining to much foothold that can move mountains or create any type of movement.
You remember the old song from the late 60's "I want to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony"? What do you think it will take to get some harmony moving in our own little acre of the world? Please do not say a good dose of Jesus because people have been preaching that message the wrong way for years. Harmony is trying to live the message of Jesus by loving others not preaching a verse in the Bible that you have interpreted to mean something that gives you the right to be well mean.
Give thought to this, if the non christian community observed the majority of the Christian community how many people do you think the Christians could attract? Check out the news of late and see how many people are leaving the Christian churches of the world. It is a staggering number and I don't blame them. I will admit the Gospel is preached well at some pulpits around the world but it is not lived once the people walk out the door.
I certainly want to stand for something in life no question about that. I hope in the end people will remember me for trying hard to promote love, peace, forgiveness, and acceptance. I, like most, am a work in process and I am no where near where I want to be but trust me I work on it daily. I will not get caught up in the platforms of hate. I love gays, people of color, faiths different than my own, republicans and democrats, hippies, and yuppies. I love the differences each stands for as long as it does not promote hate and violence. I am a sinner seeking a life of love. That search will take me near and far through valleys and over mountains but at the dimming of life's lights I believe the quest for peace will be worth the pain of the journey.
There you have my random thoughts on something that probably amounts to nothing.
peace to all