Remote control
There is no remote controls that guide our life. If you want to change the view you have to get up and get moving. I don't know about your house but in mine we have three remotes for one TV. One remote turns the power on, another controls the volume, and finally one that turns the cable box on. That is a lot of technology at my fingertips just to watch TV. It doesn't stop there, I have a remote for my garage door, and app on my phone to remote access my computer and who knows what else.
All of these devices are built because we as the consumer demand easier, fancier, more expensive, and more convenient products. This remote control society we live in may not seem like it is a big deal and maybe as it relates to the items we use on a regular basis it isn't. But what about when it conditions or mind and actions to be lazy how does that impact our lives or does it.
I do realize we live in an instant gratification society and that is even to slow now days. We demand things to happen quicker than right now. With that there are even remote controls that can used to set the temperature of your home before you get there and even turn certain lights on awaiting your arrival.
Understand that none of these items are bad the only concern I have is when it makes us more of a couch potato than we already are. We are becoming a lazy society and believe it or not that breeds anger and contempt. Most people are not satisfied with how much control of their life they have lost yet the ad more remote controls to control what little control they had.
What does all of this nonsense have to do with my life or yours? In life you can't click a button and make a situation change. There is no remote control that will help you lose weight, build muscles, read a book. clean the gutters, or create love and peace. You have to get up and get moving if you want life to be better. The bad thing about the remote control life we live is we become so accustomed to things being done for us that our lives become more sedentary with time.
Lets ramp up the heat now. If you are taking medications for anxiety, depression, addiction, or any host of ailments. Basically if you read the news the american epidemic is that we are a society of prescription junkies. If this describes your life at all I have to ask you is why? Why simply allow medicine to do it's part without you doing yours.
As an avid runner and swimmer I have witnessed the most amazing transformations when people take back control from the remote controls that controlled their lives. It is a slow start but fitness plans can and will improve your life if you work the plan. Once again the ugly truth here is that most people yearn for the slothful life they lived so the medications and poor health are more rewarding than the life of healthy living. Getting health is tough it means you have to get up and get moving early in the morning and late in the afternoon. It means you have to give up the remote control and start to take control.
I realize that our remote controls are never going away, well I hope not anyway because I would not know how to turn anything on anymore. What can go away is our co-dependence on a society that breeds lazy people instead of thoroughbreds. Let's change it even if it is slow going at first.
Remember the quote I use often in my writings "you don't have to be great to finish but you do have to start to be great".
A disclaimer in closing this, I do realize that we are fortunate to have the best medical facilities in the world and many lives are helped by the medications prescribed. When I speak of prescription junkies I am using the words from the medical professionals that say it is a system gone wrong. We are enabling people to be depressed and anxious instead of helping them through the tough times with a firm plan to get them off the chemical dependence and back to a healthy life.
Well it is a new day so what is it? More of the same or get up and try something new.
peace to you
All of these devices are built because we as the consumer demand easier, fancier, more expensive, and more convenient products. This remote control society we live in may not seem like it is a big deal and maybe as it relates to the items we use on a regular basis it isn't. But what about when it conditions or mind and actions to be lazy how does that impact our lives or does it.
I do realize we live in an instant gratification society and that is even to slow now days. We demand things to happen quicker than right now. With that there are even remote controls that can used to set the temperature of your home before you get there and even turn certain lights on awaiting your arrival.
Understand that none of these items are bad the only concern I have is when it makes us more of a couch potato than we already are. We are becoming a lazy society and believe it or not that breeds anger and contempt. Most people are not satisfied with how much control of their life they have lost yet the ad more remote controls to control what little control they had.
What does all of this nonsense have to do with my life or yours? In life you can't click a button and make a situation change. There is no remote control that will help you lose weight, build muscles, read a book. clean the gutters, or create love and peace. You have to get up and get moving if you want life to be better. The bad thing about the remote control life we live is we become so accustomed to things being done for us that our lives become more sedentary with time.
Lets ramp up the heat now. If you are taking medications for anxiety, depression, addiction, or any host of ailments. Basically if you read the news the american epidemic is that we are a society of prescription junkies. If this describes your life at all I have to ask you is why? Why simply allow medicine to do it's part without you doing yours.
As an avid runner and swimmer I have witnessed the most amazing transformations when people take back control from the remote controls that controlled their lives. It is a slow start but fitness plans can and will improve your life if you work the plan. Once again the ugly truth here is that most people yearn for the slothful life they lived so the medications and poor health are more rewarding than the life of healthy living. Getting health is tough it means you have to get up and get moving early in the morning and late in the afternoon. It means you have to give up the remote control and start to take control.
I realize that our remote controls are never going away, well I hope not anyway because I would not know how to turn anything on anymore. What can go away is our co-dependence on a society that breeds lazy people instead of thoroughbreds. Let's change it even if it is slow going at first.
Remember the quote I use often in my writings "you don't have to be great to finish but you do have to start to be great".
A disclaimer in closing this, I do realize that we are fortunate to have the best medical facilities in the world and many lives are helped by the medications prescribed. When I speak of prescription junkies I am using the words from the medical professionals that say it is a system gone wrong. We are enabling people to be depressed and anxious instead of helping them through the tough times with a firm plan to get them off the chemical dependence and back to a healthy life.
Well it is a new day so what is it? More of the same or get up and try something new.
peace to you