A Self Centered ME
Are you right smack in the middle of a self centered me!! You know the world revolves around you and you do not even realize it (others do) until the ball of twine starts to unravel. All this time you thought people liked you but the truth is that you were so wrapped up in yourself and what you have that others really would rather run instead of encounter. Next thing you know the self centered me that you have become is bitter and lonely.
What changes in life occurred to create this strange set of circumstances. Usually a person has a socioeconomic change not of their making which elevates them up the financial ladder and their actions take on what they think are the actions of people at that level. People try to become what they surround themselves with. If you think back to why Jesus always is with the sinners, the poor, the sick, or the troubled. He kept himself humbled so he could serve the ones that had less than others. Not in a Robin Hood type of setting where you steal from the rich and give to the poor. Jesus gave something so much more, he gave hope to the hopeless and life to the lifeless.
What do you give to those around you? Do you bring drama to a party yet blame someone else? There are certain self centered people that carry drama with them everywhere they go. They will usually make comments like "I do not know why drama follows me". Drama does not follow anyone but a person caught smack in the middle of a self centered me will always be a magnet for drama because it is self created most of the time. Jesus warns us many times about being selfish to the needs of others as well as being the center of attention. Remember those that demanded they be at his side at the dinner table. Jesus said to be first in the kingdom you had to be last. The parable of the rich man comes to mind when he ask Jesus what he had to do to gain eternal life. Jesus told him to give away his money and stuff and follow him. The man left sad because his fortune was so vast he could not bring himself to give it away.
The important lesson in this little reflection is to always consider the heart of the people you are with. No one cares about what you have if you do not care about what they don't have. Serve with a loving heart and give from the core of your soul. When you feel like you have given of yourself all that you can dig down and give some more. It isn't your excess that God seeks it is giving till you feel it. There is no need to give so you can say you gave something, oh no, the Christ centered person gives for the love of giving.
In the wrap up here I want to say as I always do that money is not a bad thing, the love of money obviously is as is the flaunting of it. Having nice possessions is not a bad thing but bragging about it is. A fancy house and nice car are good things unless you use them to show off what you have that others do not. Being self centered stops your heart and soul from growing in a warm loving way yet being Christ centered will fill you to the brim with peace and hope of a brighter today and tomorrow. The best part is that hope extends to others because you are not smack in the middle of a self centered me.
peace to you
What changes in life occurred to create this strange set of circumstances. Usually a person has a socioeconomic change not of their making which elevates them up the financial ladder and their actions take on what they think are the actions of people at that level. People try to become what they surround themselves with. If you think back to why Jesus always is with the sinners, the poor, the sick, or the troubled. He kept himself humbled so he could serve the ones that had less than others. Not in a Robin Hood type of setting where you steal from the rich and give to the poor. Jesus gave something so much more, he gave hope to the hopeless and life to the lifeless.
What do you give to those around you? Do you bring drama to a party yet blame someone else? There are certain self centered people that carry drama with them everywhere they go. They will usually make comments like "I do not know why drama follows me". Drama does not follow anyone but a person caught smack in the middle of a self centered me will always be a magnet for drama because it is self created most of the time. Jesus warns us many times about being selfish to the needs of others as well as being the center of attention. Remember those that demanded they be at his side at the dinner table. Jesus said to be first in the kingdom you had to be last. The parable of the rich man comes to mind when he ask Jesus what he had to do to gain eternal life. Jesus told him to give away his money and stuff and follow him. The man left sad because his fortune was so vast he could not bring himself to give it away.
The important lesson in this little reflection is to always consider the heart of the people you are with. No one cares about what you have if you do not care about what they don't have. Serve with a loving heart and give from the core of your soul. When you feel like you have given of yourself all that you can dig down and give some more. It isn't your excess that God seeks it is giving till you feel it. There is no need to give so you can say you gave something, oh no, the Christ centered person gives for the love of giving.
In the wrap up here I want to say as I always do that money is not a bad thing, the love of money obviously is as is the flaunting of it. Having nice possessions is not a bad thing but bragging about it is. A fancy house and nice car are good things unless you use them to show off what you have that others do not. Being self centered stops your heart and soul from growing in a warm loving way yet being Christ centered will fill you to the brim with peace and hope of a brighter today and tomorrow. The best part is that hope extends to others because you are not smack in the middle of a self centered me.
peace to you