In the BIG scheme of things

In the big scheme of things what really matters? Is it the person that made you mad over something trivial, or an old grudge that you just can't let go of? Some of the things we allow to occupy negative space in our minds can be changed at a moments notice. Let me proof my point.

Yesterday a dear friend got the news that her cancer had returned for a third time. Do you think any issues she was facing that day or the ones prior to mattered at all after she got that information?

I met with someone yesterday that shared with me the story that her son was shot five times and killed a few months back in a random robbery. For some reason I believe that incident probably trumped anything else she and her family had going on in life.

It is so easy to get caught up with all the hectic emotions of life BUT that can all come to a screeching halt in rapid fashion. Little things do matter and I would not want to imply that they do not. Life comes in all shapes and sizes with various sets of problems and issues every day. It would be silly for me to say never worry about anything, never lose your temper, and always act like nothing bothers you. Obviously that is not the way we are hard wired.

My point is this, when the dust settles and the air clears what really matters the most is our ability to love through the obstacles in life. I love it when Jesus says "turn the other cheek". I will be the first to admit that I do not always possess that trait however I am working on it daily.

When we love others enough to forgive them for tresspassing against us it creates a warm place in our heart that peace can dwell.

Life changes quick so when that life altering event comes calling be sure to have as little baggage as possible weighing you down. Let it go, leave it be, and life and love can set you free.

What matters the most in the BIG scheme of things? You tell me, I say love and forgiveness.

peace to you


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