My Humanity
Recently I have heard from many people on my blog that are having some tough personal struggles. I think it is important that we all realize that on days when life is rosy for us it may be bleak for someone else. As people write to me I try to sort out the ups and downs of their emotions. Some share with me how grand and blessed life is while others are on the edge of the mountain ready to jump.
I am sure that you are aware of how quick things can change. The best laid plans cannot prepare a person for the phone call that alters their life forever. I am more than aware of how difficult and challenging certain circumstances can be but the struggle I face is with the people that refuse to feel the pain of others. Trust me I get it when it comes to separating yourself from the pain others face. Remember I wrote about throwing people a life preserver and not jumping into the deep water to save them.
Right now I have three friends that are literally watching a loved one die of cancer. All three are young in my eyes (less than 60) and should be enjoying the fruits of their labor. But they are in beds on various types of medication awaiting the day they are called home. Can you imagine what the care givers and loved ones face as they watch this episode of "My Life" play out? I can see the ebb and flo of their spirituality. Somedays it is easy to thank God for the blessing and other days they are so bitter and confused about why God allows so much suffering.
I recently got an email from a person that suddenly lost their spouse to an illness. My gosh just a couple days before we were chatting about how blessed the two of them were with the love they share. I always talk about life situations as though they are graces disguised. Often times they truly are but then there are those times that the tragedy of life leaves more carnage than it does grace. What then?
I know a lady that is struggling so bad with mental illness that her family and business she created is slowly being taken away from her. She had good days when her coherence and ability to function normal keep her engaged in family, friends, and business. Now though it is all being taken away because of the lack of understanding or patience shown to people with mental disease.
As I sit her writing this I recall the lyrics to the song California Dreamin "well I walked into a church and I pretend to pray". How often do you pretend to pray? I bet in the recesses of your mind you wonder why bother because it doesn't matter anyway. We all here how God answers prayers in his time not our time. Or the answer to the prayer may not be what we expect but it is the best for us. How about this one, God will never give you more than you can handle. For the people suffering this all falls on deaf ears.
Thank goodness it is dark outside as I write this reflection. Once the sun comes up and I get out and mingle among the living I will be able to see the face of God in the world around me. I will not understand why things happen, I will not understand why I do what I do, but I will find away to trust that I belong in this world and my expression of love will help another on this day that we have been given.
The pain will go on as will the many blessings. The uncertainty of who gets chosen to receive either will be a lifelong mystery to me. The humanity you see in me today is something rare that I try not to let out to often. I want to always be a shining light for others to see but this morning I struggled with the pain of others. I want to understand and feel the prayers and trust that they are heard. From the words of several people that write to me "If God hears the prayers of his people I must be speaking the wrong language". Let me say this and trust in my heart it is true, I believe we are the prayer warriors and God connects lives to bring comfort to those suffering. Life is not about the chances we take it is about the love that we share. If you allow your heart to be filled with God whether you understand it or not you will be the answer to someone's prayer today. Tomorrow it may be you that needs the answered prayer so with an expression of love do your part now.
peace and love
I am sure that you are aware of how quick things can change. The best laid plans cannot prepare a person for the phone call that alters their life forever. I am more than aware of how difficult and challenging certain circumstances can be but the struggle I face is with the people that refuse to feel the pain of others. Trust me I get it when it comes to separating yourself from the pain others face. Remember I wrote about throwing people a life preserver and not jumping into the deep water to save them.
Right now I have three friends that are literally watching a loved one die of cancer. All three are young in my eyes (less than 60) and should be enjoying the fruits of their labor. But they are in beds on various types of medication awaiting the day they are called home. Can you imagine what the care givers and loved ones face as they watch this episode of "My Life" play out? I can see the ebb and flo of their spirituality. Somedays it is easy to thank God for the blessing and other days they are so bitter and confused about why God allows so much suffering.
I recently got an email from a person that suddenly lost their spouse to an illness. My gosh just a couple days before we were chatting about how blessed the two of them were with the love they share. I always talk about life situations as though they are graces disguised. Often times they truly are but then there are those times that the tragedy of life leaves more carnage than it does grace. What then?
I know a lady that is struggling so bad with mental illness that her family and business she created is slowly being taken away from her. She had good days when her coherence and ability to function normal keep her engaged in family, friends, and business. Now though it is all being taken away because of the lack of understanding or patience shown to people with mental disease.
As I sit her writing this I recall the lyrics to the song California Dreamin "well I walked into a church and I pretend to pray". How often do you pretend to pray? I bet in the recesses of your mind you wonder why bother because it doesn't matter anyway. We all here how God answers prayers in his time not our time. Or the answer to the prayer may not be what we expect but it is the best for us. How about this one, God will never give you more than you can handle. For the people suffering this all falls on deaf ears.
Thank goodness it is dark outside as I write this reflection. Once the sun comes up and I get out and mingle among the living I will be able to see the face of God in the world around me. I will not understand why things happen, I will not understand why I do what I do, but I will find away to trust that I belong in this world and my expression of love will help another on this day that we have been given.
The pain will go on as will the many blessings. The uncertainty of who gets chosen to receive either will be a lifelong mystery to me. The humanity you see in me today is something rare that I try not to let out to often. I want to always be a shining light for others to see but this morning I struggled with the pain of others. I want to understand and feel the prayers and trust that they are heard. From the words of several people that write to me "If God hears the prayers of his people I must be speaking the wrong language". Let me say this and trust in my heart it is true, I believe we are the prayer warriors and God connects lives to bring comfort to those suffering. Life is not about the chances we take it is about the love that we share. If you allow your heart to be filled with God whether you understand it or not you will be the answer to someone's prayer today. Tomorrow it may be you that needs the answered prayer so with an expression of love do your part now.
peace and love