So there you are on the stage of life it is the last inning and you are at bat. The bases are loaded, there are two outs and the winning run is you. This is the moment you have always dreamed of. The world is prepared to see you in your radiant glory. You step up and bravely watch the first strike, this way you get the pitcher in a comfort zone in the hopes he will relax on the next one. Another pitch comes and it looks perfect, you swing, foul ball strike two. Now the nerves are starting to jitter yet you know that you can still be the hero and win the game. With laser focus you see the pitch coming at you, it is just outside the plate and the right level for an over the fence grand slam. You wind up and give your best swing ever and THUD the ball hits the catchers mit, strike three you are OUT.

From hero to zero in seconds and now  you turn with face down walk back to the team and in your mind you are the LOSER. The team has been trained for this response and they give you the traditional pats on the back and hey don't worry it happens to everyone, but YOU, you lost the game.

NOW WHAT, seriously what's next? Life goes on, the people leave the stadium and in the blink of the eye you are old news, well almost old news you still have to deal with it.

How many times will this scenario play out in life? Oh I know it will not be a ball game but there will be those sure things where you can be the star and for whatever reason you blow it or something simply goes wrong. 

In this little analogy I share with you the failure or miscue of your making. Many of the let downs we will all face in life will be from the making of others. Yet when someone fails you or hurts you the question still remains the same, what's next. The what's next for some may be a selfish act of revenge to save face or get the proverbial last word. For some the what's next may be to hide the hurt embarrassed feelings  deep in your heart while slowly allowing it to eat away at all of your future potential. Then there are those that can just brush it off pick up the pieces pray for strength and move on.

Every one reacts to life situations different and depending on what you are currently facing you may deal with it in ways you would not had the circumstances happened any number of ways. Life is not predictable that we know however we can condition our responses and hopefully they can become predictable.
What is important to know is this, we are not perfect, but we are human. We do have a heart and mind filled with emotion. We do get hurt at times and often we see disappointment when things turn out different than we hoped. These are life conditions that will not stop. The mind, heart, and soul just like the body need exercise. If we want to stay physically fit we have to work at it. When the weight starts to get higher than it should be we do something about it. Same goes for conditioning your emotions. To exercise those important parts of us we have to do a few things different. Only you know your life and whether what you are doing is right or wrong. If you are heading in a direction that you know is going to end in trouble stop now. Do not travel the wrong road and then blame others when you show up at the wrong place.

We are in the age of social media which in and of itself has good and bad. I see people lash out there anger on social media, I see people cry out for help, some praise the Lord, others simply share information. What ever you do make sure it is never in an attempt to harm someone else. Even if they have harmed you. Social media can cause an ember to be a flame and next thing you know your anger and that of others is up in smoke.

When you feel anger, hurt, and disappointment seek the good word. Do not seek to gain approval for your actions or support for your feelings toward another. Seek wisdom and forgiveness. The peace will come sooner if you will take the high road an allow the healing to begin.

WHAT'S NEXT? Heck I don't know but I do know this whatever is next I plan to face it with dignity and I hope you do too. We are not going to be pushovers we are going to get up and have some do overs. We are going to make every day the best we possibly can.

peace to you


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