Helping hand

I find it rather interesting that people will whine, bitch, and moan about everything under the sun one day and talk about how blessed they are the next. It is like the epic rise and fall of humanity. We lure ourselves into a false sense of reality and the only escape from it is to lash out at something. When we awake from this delusional state and our conscience mind goes back to work the blessing seem to come out of the cracks. Funny thing we then regret some of the words used the previous day so it hopes of restoration we walk as a saint today. Wonder which act we will follow tomorrow.

If you thought that first paragraph was about you or someone you know think again. I was referring to the life of Peter in the Bible as well as some of the other people that followed Christ. You see they were human, they made mistakes, they succumbed to temptation and gossip, yet they had a purpose. Through all the ups and downs, bad moods, and rejection Christ still knew he had good clay to work with. He sees the same in you. Even though the dents, dings, cracks, and cervices are bigger some days than others God still sees the potential that you try to escape from.

I have a friend that I have watched from the sidelines go on every spiritual journey you could imagine. One day she is loving God with all her heart. The next day is such a reverse of the day before that you wonder if she is two people. She can go from a walking saint to stone throwing, judgmental, spiteful person all in a matter of hours. What is hidden in all these human actions is her search for meaning. She finds her spiritual bearing one day only to lose it the next. Her love for religion at one point stole away her love for Christ, however as that reality came to the top of mind awareness she regained her search for meaning and purpose. Her quest is still going but I can tell from the sidelines that her zealous attack on people that saw faith different has soften. She is good clay and Christ is slowly molding her into something great. She fought against it as we all do at times but he is winning the battles inside the war.

I use that little story to tell you that you too are being molded into something great. The only person that can break that mold is you. In your search for faith in Christ it is imperative that you see the humanity in others. It isn't where you have been or where you are that matters the most, it is where you are going. Even more important is how you help others find themselves. You can either place yourself and your sins so far above them that you literally can't see the face of Christ. Or you can place yourself at eye level and see Christ looking back at you. We are all one body which means we have to take care of each other in order for the body to run the marathons of life. Your clay is being molded into something very special and the hands of Christ just might be in human form. That person you judged and cast out could have been a hand in the molding process.

You are the clay of your own life even though the molding process includes many. Today put your halo back in the box and place it on the shelf in the closet. Your are not closer to God than anyone else searching for love and acceptance. If you want to be rewarded with a halo at the end of this physical life you better work the harvest now. As Christ said the work is vast the laborers are few. Go ahead sit in your air conditioned home while eating steak and complain about the people beneath you. I am confident that will not shape your mold from the hands of love. What will is sharing your love with those in need. Use your hands to help others believe that love does still exist in this world. Today someone close to you needs a hand, tomorrow it may be you.

peace to you


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