The Challenge
I want to challenge everyone today and I hope you are up to it. I am going to ask each person reading this to be the best person possible if only for one day. I am not asking you to be close to the best or try to be the best I am asking you to be the best you can be TODAY.
Let me share a cute story. Several years ago when my son was 10 (he is 22 now) we were out in the country doing a 3 mile run. Up ahead we saw three deer cross the road and running behind them was Anna Banana one of the neighborhood dogs chasing them. I will admit it was a cute sight. I asked my son if he thought Anna B would catch the deer, he responded "dad she is doing the best she can". A few seconds later Anna B came running across the road in a dead heat, I mean she was hauling booty and nipping at her tail were the 3 deer she had been chasing. I looked at my son and said "now she is doing the best she can".
Circumstances influence our ability to do great things. When the heat is up and the pressure is on our bodies can deliver much more than we normally ask of them. You have heard the old saying "you never know how strong you are until strong is all you have left". That is an accurate statement and the proof is in people that have been cast into a caregiver roll and had to work day and night to keep hope alive. The point is we never know what our best is until a catastrophe in life hurls us in a direction we never imagined we would go.
What are the possibilities, if we all could dig deep down and find the fortitude to be our best one day or every day. Just think, it took Jesus knocking Paul off of his high horse for him to realize what his potential was. What about you? What will it take for you to stop blaming the world or the people close to you for your lack of living. In my experience with my foundation I have seen some absolutely amazing feats carried out by people that should not be able to do anything. I have seen people draw and write that have no hands, basketball played by people with no legs, a marathon run by a person that was blind. Yet the sad truth is that I also see people with two legs, two arms, great eye sight and they spend all their energy and time lashing out at others for their plight in life.
To be your best you must do something different. Today has no chance of being better if you head out with the same bad attitude you had yesterday. No need to convince me that I just do not understand why life is so bad however I would love for you to convince me why life is so grand. Remember folks death is an integral part of our life, it has to happen and it will happen. BUT there is no reason to die while still living. If hope is the essence of life then by all means give your best and start living the reality that I can do more and be more.
The world needs the best you have to offer, God needs the best of you but most of all you need the best of you. There is no way to know what that best is but I can tell you this. I have witnessed a 350 pound man that could not run 100 feet lose 110 pounds in less than a year and complete a 26.2 mile marathon. He went from victim to victor when he decided his life was worth living and he had more of his best still in him. That little story pales in comparison to what you have in you. Wake up and decide today that with a positive attitude, warm heart, forgiving soul, I am going to give my best and encourage others to do the same. We can change this world and like I always say it starts with you (me)
peace to you