Wisdom of the ages.
The wisdom of wisdom, you know what I mean, those powerful words that come ringing back into your brain once you realize you have just done something you wish you had not done. Those all inspiring words you learned ages ago now take on a new meaning. If I had only listened to mom, dad, Uncle Bob, the preacher, etc. Wisdom is nothing more than life experiences and knowing when to do right instead of wrong.
Sounds like a simple reflection that could end now since we all have that source of wisdom we refuse to use, right. Well, not so quick. Our brains are not formed and developed to be life long followers of other people's trials and errors. We have to put our own hand in the fire to get burned. We have to do the silly things that most assuredly will end in disaster. We develop our foundation by our own life trials. No doubt we have text books, teachers, and mentors that assist in forging the thought process but in the end it is our will and drive to test the limits that blocks or creates future wisdom. Very subjective isn't it?
Knowing me as good as you folks do by now it is probably obvious that I will be placing a twist of faith and spirituality into this wisdom discussion. You are wise if that was your thinking. The faith and spiritual world is aghast (overwhelming amazement) with wisdom that tries to push us one way or the other. The faith and spiritual world we live in is accustomed to going to a huge shopping center. Each store provides a little something extra that tempts the senses. Finally you walk by the establishment that has the right smell and look at the right time and your eyes or smell connect like two magnets and next thing you know you are walking out with a purchase. Now follow that purchase for say two weeks. Does it still have the same power it did when you were looking to buy? Do you have remorse in your decision? Would conventional wisdom have lead you somewhere else had you given it more time. You see our commercial society has to work in the instant gratification realm or nothing is bought or sold. Friends that is exactly the same with faith, spirituality, and let's now ad religion.
For religion to flourish it has to appeal to the senses that attract you. It is often mask as the truth but in reality with a little wisdom I bet you can see past that. We now have over 25,000 different branches of Christianity in America. I am sure they all have their own variation that they believe makes theirs right and others slightly outside the truth. Our minds are so sharp that we can see almost in an instant when something is not going right. We may not act on that knowledge but we know it. When it comes to religion a great amount of charisma is used to instill fear and control. Often times we are attracted to a religion or church because we were at a low point and we felt led by The Holy Spirit to a particular place and time. The reason I use that last sentence is because the fall out rate at churches proves that the appeal was usually not spiritual as much as it is shopping center temptation. The sad thing about my writing today is you know exactly what I mean when I write this.
Why the subject of faith and spiritual wisdom? Here is the oxy-moron. I love the church that makes me despise the religion. Faith formation is like being your own health advocate. You have to absorb knowledge and wisdom from various sources and then compile that into your own life trials. Once that is all melted down you and only you can guide yourself to find the God that truly loves you. A church and loving faith community can help keep your faith alive. Trust me there are plenty of awesome faith based, spirit filled community loving churches in the world. It is always my hope that God's wisdom with your own wisdom leads you to find the place of worship that truly promotes the word of God over the allure of money and power.
God wants to be followed and he also wants to make leaders out of his followers. One of the greatest gifts yet toughest to get is the act of humility and forgiveness. This is where the wisdom of faith creates a huge divide with the wisdom of our times. There is very little in our world that promotes peace, love, harmony, and forgiveness. It is something we internally strive for yet externally we do all we possibly can to make sure it never happens. What makes it so difficult to be the first to say I am sorry? Why can't you admit that you (me) are part of the problem? Why do we go to great lengths to prove to family and friends that we are right and someone else is wrong? Is this what our wisdom of wisdom has taught us? If this is what we have learned from our churches, mentors, family, and friends then we have missed the teachings of Christ. Remember if you judge someone you have no time to love them.
Christ taught the simple words of forgiveness, acceptance, repentance, love your neighbor, love God, turn the other cheek, do not judge, etc. Jesus tells us time and time again that he is the truth and the way, the bread of life, the hope for the hopeless. No where in his written words does he tell us to promote hate, division, jealousy, or spout harmful words. Jesus teaches us to gird our tongues or say nothing if you can't say something nice.
I guess for me being the peaceful hippie I simply believe that the wisdom of the ages says it is better to love than to hate. It is better to find peace and harmony than division and bitterness. The sad thing about this wisdom that usually gets ignored is this. It has to start with you. When Jesus speaks in John 11 at the tomb of Lazarus he commands the people to unbind that man. Jesus knew with his wisdom that even though he was risen from the dead the world still had him bound to the tomb. Consider that it is your tomb and you have been resurrected to share the peace and beauty of a new faith yet you are bound by the actions of others. The way to unbind is to forgive. Be first not last. Seek the peace that Christ speaks of and let me say in closing, conventional wisdom when applied to faith and spirituality will lead you in the right direction.
Join this peaceful hippie in loving life while forgiving all those that trespass against us. Oh if you are doing the trespassing then please seek and pray for your own forgiveness. That is the power of real Christianity. Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened. Wisdom tells me that the next step to take is mine (yours).
peace to you
Sounds like a simple reflection that could end now since we all have that source of wisdom we refuse to use, right. Well, not so quick. Our brains are not formed and developed to be life long followers of other people's trials and errors. We have to put our own hand in the fire to get burned. We have to do the silly things that most assuredly will end in disaster. We develop our foundation by our own life trials. No doubt we have text books, teachers, and mentors that assist in forging the thought process but in the end it is our will and drive to test the limits that blocks or creates future wisdom. Very subjective isn't it?
Knowing me as good as you folks do by now it is probably obvious that I will be placing a twist of faith and spirituality into this wisdom discussion. You are wise if that was your thinking. The faith and spiritual world is aghast (overwhelming amazement) with wisdom that tries to push us one way or the other. The faith and spiritual world we live in is accustomed to going to a huge shopping center. Each store provides a little something extra that tempts the senses. Finally you walk by the establishment that has the right smell and look at the right time and your eyes or smell connect like two magnets and next thing you know you are walking out with a purchase. Now follow that purchase for say two weeks. Does it still have the same power it did when you were looking to buy? Do you have remorse in your decision? Would conventional wisdom have lead you somewhere else had you given it more time. You see our commercial society has to work in the instant gratification realm or nothing is bought or sold. Friends that is exactly the same with faith, spirituality, and let's now ad religion.
For religion to flourish it has to appeal to the senses that attract you. It is often mask as the truth but in reality with a little wisdom I bet you can see past that. We now have over 25,000 different branches of Christianity in America. I am sure they all have their own variation that they believe makes theirs right and others slightly outside the truth. Our minds are so sharp that we can see almost in an instant when something is not going right. We may not act on that knowledge but we know it. When it comes to religion a great amount of charisma is used to instill fear and control. Often times we are attracted to a religion or church because we were at a low point and we felt led by The Holy Spirit to a particular place and time. The reason I use that last sentence is because the fall out rate at churches proves that the appeal was usually not spiritual as much as it is shopping center temptation. The sad thing about my writing today is you know exactly what I mean when I write this.
Why the subject of faith and spiritual wisdom? Here is the oxy-moron. I love the church that makes me despise the religion. Faith formation is like being your own health advocate. You have to absorb knowledge and wisdom from various sources and then compile that into your own life trials. Once that is all melted down you and only you can guide yourself to find the God that truly loves you. A church and loving faith community can help keep your faith alive. Trust me there are plenty of awesome faith based, spirit filled community loving churches in the world. It is always my hope that God's wisdom with your own wisdom leads you to find the place of worship that truly promotes the word of God over the allure of money and power.
God wants to be followed and he also wants to make leaders out of his followers. One of the greatest gifts yet toughest to get is the act of humility and forgiveness. This is where the wisdom of faith creates a huge divide with the wisdom of our times. There is very little in our world that promotes peace, love, harmony, and forgiveness. It is something we internally strive for yet externally we do all we possibly can to make sure it never happens. What makes it so difficult to be the first to say I am sorry? Why can't you admit that you (me) are part of the problem? Why do we go to great lengths to prove to family and friends that we are right and someone else is wrong? Is this what our wisdom of wisdom has taught us? If this is what we have learned from our churches, mentors, family, and friends then we have missed the teachings of Christ. Remember if you judge someone you have no time to love them.
Christ taught the simple words of forgiveness, acceptance, repentance, love your neighbor, love God, turn the other cheek, do not judge, etc. Jesus tells us time and time again that he is the truth and the way, the bread of life, the hope for the hopeless. No where in his written words does he tell us to promote hate, division, jealousy, or spout harmful words. Jesus teaches us to gird our tongues or say nothing if you can't say something nice.
I guess for me being the peaceful hippie I simply believe that the wisdom of the ages says it is better to love than to hate. It is better to find peace and harmony than division and bitterness. The sad thing about this wisdom that usually gets ignored is this. It has to start with you. When Jesus speaks in John 11 at the tomb of Lazarus he commands the people to unbind that man. Jesus knew with his wisdom that even though he was risen from the dead the world still had him bound to the tomb. Consider that it is your tomb and you have been resurrected to share the peace and beauty of a new faith yet you are bound by the actions of others. The way to unbind is to forgive. Be first not last. Seek the peace that Christ speaks of and let me say in closing, conventional wisdom when applied to faith and spirituality will lead you in the right direction.
Join this peaceful hippie in loving life while forgiving all those that trespass against us. Oh if you are doing the trespassing then please seek and pray for your own forgiveness. That is the power of real Christianity. Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened. Wisdom tells me that the next step to take is mine (yours).
peace to you