A few days ago a friend of mine died of prostate cancer, he was 49 years old. Most of the people reading this would not even know the gentleman I am talking about so I will refrain from using his name. The reason I mention this is because our friendship started when I was diagnosed 5 years ago. We never met face to face but through his blog, email, phone calls, and facebook we shared many wonderful conversations about life. His life, passion, and death brought me to the keyboard this morning to write a reflection called "I'm a believer".

Every person young or old has to believe in something. Our lives are shaped by the belief system we hold. As I lay in bed last night my mind began to toss around what I felt was the chemical make up of my central belief system.

I am dreamer as most people know. I have wild thoughts even greater than putting a car on mars. I dream of the day that we can all live in peace and have fun without the distractions of judgment and bigotry. That is a huge dream mind you, but my dreams go bigger than that. I have a vision that my foundation will touch the hearts of many and help others  achieve their dreams. Again nice dreams but small on the scale when you compare to landing a car on mars, right. I dream of the day my kids will shape the world with their kindness and generosity because hopefully I guided them to believe that every person has value and deserves a chance.

Yes I am a dreamer but most of all I am a believer. It is one thing to dream it is another to believe. It is my belief however that all actions that create amazing results started with a dream. I encourage people to dream big and most of all believe that it can come true.

Let's go back in time say 30 years. No one would have believed smartphones could do what they do. I mention the car on mars often but hey 30 years ago who would have believed it possible that we would be watching the mars rover on our computers. We could list hundreds of things that have happened in the last several years that would borderline the impossible yet somewhere a team of dreamers BELIEVED it possible and something great happened.

Are you  a believer or just a dreamer? Please understand the difference. You cannot live your dream through the actions of others. You are the one that has to take the first step to make a dream come true. Granted it usually takes others to help mold things into an action plan but since it is your dream you have to be the one that gets it all started.

The gentleman I referred to at the beginning had a dream. He wanted to educate as many men as possible about the dangers of prostate cancer and how to deal with the side effects of treatment. He believed that his actions could make a difference in the lives of families across the country. My friend had a dream, he take action, he believed, and he made a difference. He did what we all can do. His dream changed the day he was diagnosed. God needed people of action to carry the message of hope to others and my friend with honor did his job. His dream and his belief truly changed and possibly saved the lives of many.

What about you? What is your belief system. You may not put a car on mars or turn the moon into cheese but I bet there is something inside you right now that wants to make a difference in the world in which we live. Be a believer, not so much in others but in yourself.

In closing sing out loud or to yourself these all to familiar words, "Amazing GRACE how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I am found, was blind but now I see.

You can see because you are found so please with a new set of eyes and new lease on life DREAM big and most of all BELIEVE it possible.

peace to you


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