Lance Armstrong
Beings that Lance Armstrong is in the news pretty much everyday I am going to use him to open our minds to something. Lance was once revered as the epitome of someone that fought against cancer and won. He literally went from deaths doors to a world class athlete. Not only that but he inspired millions (me included) to fight cancer through extreme exercise. It continues to work for me as well as so many more. On top of that he helped found the Livestrong foundation that has brought cancer out into the open and made it ok to talk about in positive terms.
As Lance progressed up the ladder of health and got back into international competition for biking the pressure to LIVE, SURVIVE, and THRIVE were equal to the pressure to perform at that high of level. Did he dope? It looks like the evidence is overwhelming however I will not be the final judge of that. Let's assume however for the sake of conversation that he indeed did dope.
Very few people will admit what I am about to say and in no means am I saying it is ok to cheat, just follow me. In this current day the competition to even keep a job is high. We fight for the next commission, the next big order, client, sale, etc. In that fight we live in what is called the GRAY area. No one wants to readily admit that there are moments in life that we are Lance. No we may not dope but we do in fact cheat. We may not get caught but in the back of our mind we know what we did was wrong. The problem gets worse real quick. You made the big sale, got the money, spent the money, enjoyed the success and the pressure escalates to do it again. The company expects and demands higher performance as do the bills you have amassed. No need to admit that you know what I am talking about.
Did Lance do wrong? If he doped yes he did do wrong. His influence on others to follow suit was even worse. Could he have competed at that level without the doping? That we will never know. The point to this is simple, Lance Armstrong is a man that was caught up in the fast paced world of cycling, for us it could be business, motor boating, relationships, or whatever. He was on a merry go round that millions of people, sponsors, foundations, and money depended on his HIGH performance. He was in a no win situation. He knew the house of cards was going to fall but there was no one in his inner circle that would lend him a hand. Now that the smoke is clearing and the fire is blazing most people want to distance themselves.
Lance, I stand by you. Not the fact that you cheated but the fact that you are human. From one cancer survivor to another you inspired me then and you do now. I do not need your admission of guilt to forgive you if you in fact did cheat. I, myself have done things wrong in my life as have each person reading this. I, like you, will not advocate cheating to succeed however the grace disguised is to offer a hand when someone is down instead of a push further down. The LiveStrong Foundation is not a representation of cheating it is a model of hope. Let's remember the good that Lance has stood for and move past the bad. The media, sponsors, and righteous will do an admirable job condemning him, as for me, well I know how the fall from grace feels so I extend my hand and stand by the good that Lance has done.
Folks whether you are in the spotlight or not we have all walked the walk of shame. It may only be known to us but those old bones in the closet do exist. Be careful casting stones unless you yourself are without sin.
peace to all