Wheat or Weed
I read a story this morning about a 15 year old girl in Canada that was bullied so bad she finally took her own life. She reached out for help time and time again yet no one took her serious. People mocked and made fun of her on facebook and she felt she had no where to turn. I suppose the sad truth is that she truly had no where to turn.
Several years ago I wrote a reflection based on the parable in scripture called "Wheat or Weeds". As you know the story goes that someone snuck into the field and planted weed to choke out the crop of wheat. As it sprotted and grew no one could tell the difference, but one day the truth was revealed and what was thought to be wheat turned out to be weeds.
What are you? I am confident that you think you are a healthy field of wheat but are you really? Is it possible that you are a weed choking the life out of the wheat and you do not even recognize it.
In this day and age with instant information perception is reality now more than ever. Public opinion can be swayed in seconds if not quicker. Lives are destroyed over a misspoken word, an act that was perceived as something that it wasn't, reputations crushed over angry post on social media whether they be true or not. The acts of love and kindness have fallen by the wayside so the subtle acts of revenge and hatred can shine through. What makes this so dangerous is the culprit mask him or herself as a mature crop of wheat when the truth is they are a weed stealing the life right out of those around them.
What is the use in lashing out at others? What happened to the lesson of "turn the other cheek". Is it not an act of strength to forgive the person that tresspassed against you and move on? No, of course not we have to take the battle to the field and make darn sure our last word destroys as many people as possible.
There is so much depression, anger, violence, and bitterness in the world that you would think by now we would realize that our way is not the right way. This is a runaway train that no one is willing to stop.
Remember the girl at the beginning of this reflection. Today people are wondering what they could have done different to prevent what happened. Why wonder now, let's be the prevention not the cause. No one wants to think of themselves as weeds yet the real deal is that to some extent we all are. Be a lover of life, promote peace, be the first to reach out and say "I am sorry". Truly care about the well being of yourself and others. Love has much more power than hate ever will if given a chance. Here is the tough part, it has to start with you and me. We can't wait for someone else to do their part before we get started. Be the glimmer of hope and love the world needs to start the healing process. I am going to do my part, how about you?
peace to you
Several years ago I wrote a reflection based on the parable in scripture called "Wheat or Weeds". As you know the story goes that someone snuck into the field and planted weed to choke out the crop of wheat. As it sprotted and grew no one could tell the difference, but one day the truth was revealed and what was thought to be wheat turned out to be weeds.
What are you? I am confident that you think you are a healthy field of wheat but are you really? Is it possible that you are a weed choking the life out of the wheat and you do not even recognize it.
In this day and age with instant information perception is reality now more than ever. Public opinion can be swayed in seconds if not quicker. Lives are destroyed over a misspoken word, an act that was perceived as something that it wasn't, reputations crushed over angry post on social media whether they be true or not. The acts of love and kindness have fallen by the wayside so the subtle acts of revenge and hatred can shine through. What makes this so dangerous is the culprit mask him or herself as a mature crop of wheat when the truth is they are a weed stealing the life right out of those around them.
What is the use in lashing out at others? What happened to the lesson of "turn the other cheek". Is it not an act of strength to forgive the person that tresspassed against you and move on? No, of course not we have to take the battle to the field and make darn sure our last word destroys as many people as possible.
There is so much depression, anger, violence, and bitterness in the world that you would think by now we would realize that our way is not the right way. This is a runaway train that no one is willing to stop.
Remember the girl at the beginning of this reflection. Today people are wondering what they could have done different to prevent what happened. Why wonder now, let's be the prevention not the cause. No one wants to think of themselves as weeds yet the real deal is that to some extent we all are. Be a lover of life, promote peace, be the first to reach out and say "I am sorry". Truly care about the well being of yourself and others. Love has much more power than hate ever will if given a chance. Here is the tough part, it has to start with you and me. We can't wait for someone else to do their part before we get started. Be the glimmer of hope and love the world needs to start the healing process. I am going to do my part, how about you?
peace to you