Turn Around NOW
Do you ever wonder why your hopes and dreams for a better tomorrow never happened? You prayed all the right prayers, packed the proper clothing, had enough money, planned for all the meals but you still did not end up in the right place. The hope and dream of the destination was lost when you wound up somewhere other than where you intended.
I live in west Tn near I-40, for those of you not familiar it runs cross country east and west. Let's say that I plan to go east to Knoxville. I know it will be a five hour drive and I intend to stay a few days. I get the car serviced and filled, I pack my bags, make sure I have enough money for the journey, I prayed for a safe trip and last but not least my excitement level was sky high knowing how awesome the trip was going to be. Sounds pretty good so far doesn't it?
The time comes I pull out of the driveway and head toward the interstate. I get on the ramp and I head WEST instead of east. The road is smooth the scenery is nice and remember my bags are packed and the tank is full. Folks pay attention to the next part of this simple little analogy. I AM GOING THE WRONG WAY. No matter how much I pray to God there is no miracle that is going to get me to Knoxville on I-40 if I am heading west from my hometown. No amount of planning, fuel, food, prayer, time, clothing, hopes or dreams, nothing is going to get me there. I am going to wind up exactly where my path NOT MY DREAM will take me.
For the record friends that is exactly how life works. We wind up where our path takes us. No matter what you dream or hope for if you get on the wrong road and stay there it will not bring you back to the right spot. Somewhere along the way when you reach the point of LOST you have to seek direction. The road you are on will take you exactly where the road goes.
Think about it like this, have you ever had a total melt down because life dealt you a terrible hand. You had all the right dreams and prayed for guidance, your hope for tomorrow was bright yet you still wound up in the wrong place. When you recount the sequence of events to yourself or others it becomes obvious that the path you were on was in the opposite direction of the dreams you sought. The path you are on will ultimately determine where you end up.
The beauty is this, we all head the wrong way many times in life, thank goodness when we realize we are lost we have the choice to stop, turn around, get directions, or regroup. The problem becomes when we seek pleasure over responsibility, hope without wisdom, or dreams without God. You may be heading the wrong way today but there is time to turnaround.
Look at the road you are traveling and if it does not line up with your dreams STOP and change the road you are on. You can't medicate or drink yourself back to the right direction. You can mask the problem but again the ultimate place you end up will be where the road you are on takes you.
Now let's find the positive in this. There is hope for a bright today and even more hope for a brighter tomorrow. If you study the road you are on and realize it is taking you nowhere then your future just took a turn for the better. Realizing you are lost is the first step to getting found. Folks we have a responsibility to help those around us stay on the right road. That does not mean you have to be a judgmental self righteous know it all neighbor, it simply means you need to be a good friend that cares and listens. When people have the friend that loves without ceasing and allows them to talk without judging most journeys that were heading the wrong way can be avoided. We all need each other to help guide this world to a better place. It doesn't matter what religion you claim to be a part of, if you are not loving your neighbor you are not guiding yourself the right way.
I ask you now to stop for a moment and look at where you are going financially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. If you see that the path is wrong then please give yourself a chance and stop. There is hope to restore your dreams but you can't get to Knoxville if you are heading west from where I live now.I think I need to turn around, how about you.
peace to you
I live in west Tn near I-40, for those of you not familiar it runs cross country east and west. Let's say that I plan to go east to Knoxville. I know it will be a five hour drive and I intend to stay a few days. I get the car serviced and filled, I pack my bags, make sure I have enough money for the journey, I prayed for a safe trip and last but not least my excitement level was sky high knowing how awesome the trip was going to be. Sounds pretty good so far doesn't it?
The time comes I pull out of the driveway and head toward the interstate. I get on the ramp and I head WEST instead of east. The road is smooth the scenery is nice and remember my bags are packed and the tank is full. Folks pay attention to the next part of this simple little analogy. I AM GOING THE WRONG WAY. No matter how much I pray to God there is no miracle that is going to get me to Knoxville on I-40 if I am heading west from my hometown. No amount of planning, fuel, food, prayer, time, clothing, hopes or dreams, nothing is going to get me there. I am going to wind up exactly where my path NOT MY DREAM will take me.
For the record friends that is exactly how life works. We wind up where our path takes us. No matter what you dream or hope for if you get on the wrong road and stay there it will not bring you back to the right spot. Somewhere along the way when you reach the point of LOST you have to seek direction. The road you are on will take you exactly where the road goes.
Think about it like this, have you ever had a total melt down because life dealt you a terrible hand. You had all the right dreams and prayed for guidance, your hope for tomorrow was bright yet you still wound up in the wrong place. When you recount the sequence of events to yourself or others it becomes obvious that the path you were on was in the opposite direction of the dreams you sought. The path you are on will ultimately determine where you end up.
The beauty is this, we all head the wrong way many times in life, thank goodness when we realize we are lost we have the choice to stop, turn around, get directions, or regroup. The problem becomes when we seek pleasure over responsibility, hope without wisdom, or dreams without God. You may be heading the wrong way today but there is time to turnaround.
Look at the road you are traveling and if it does not line up with your dreams STOP and change the road you are on. You can't medicate or drink yourself back to the right direction. You can mask the problem but again the ultimate place you end up will be where the road you are on takes you.
Now let's find the positive in this. There is hope for a bright today and even more hope for a brighter tomorrow. If you study the road you are on and realize it is taking you nowhere then your future just took a turn for the better. Realizing you are lost is the first step to getting found. Folks we have a responsibility to help those around us stay on the right road. That does not mean you have to be a judgmental self righteous know it all neighbor, it simply means you need to be a good friend that cares and listens. When people have the friend that loves without ceasing and allows them to talk without judging most journeys that were heading the wrong way can be avoided. We all need each other to help guide this world to a better place. It doesn't matter what religion you claim to be a part of, if you are not loving your neighbor you are not guiding yourself the right way.
I ask you now to stop for a moment and look at where you are going financially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. If you see that the path is wrong then please give yourself a chance and stop. There is hope to restore your dreams but you can't get to Knoxville if you are heading west from where I live now.I think I need to turn around, how about you.
peace to you