The grace experienced by Todd

This was experienced by my friend Todd and I wanted to share it. These are his words that he gave me permission to use.
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Ok friends here goes. On Friday night after a long day of flying, I finally got to my hotel in Sacramento. I was exhausted as all our flights have been full due to the Thanksgiving holiday travel. Once I got to my room I immediately prepared for bed, which is something I rarely do. 2 hours go by and I could not sleep. I was tired but wide awake. So I got dressed and decided to get some fresh air.
Our hotel in Sacramento is in the heart of downtown and close to the capital. Like most downtown areas, it is not uncommon to see people out and about late at night. I was sitting on a bench just outside the hotel and noticed a young woman walking with a dog and full backpack on her back. She looked to be about 20-25 years old. As she passed by me, she spoke. "How are you doing this evening?" "Good how are you," I responded. "Good, I am just looking for food." She then moved on. As I watched her, she proceeded to rummage through the nearby trash cans. This tugged at my heart strings and could not help but feel compassion for her. I thought of the biblical scripture Matthew 25:37-45. (I am purposely not putting the scripture here because I want you to look it up if you are not familiar with it :o)) I called the young lady over to me and asked her, "How long has it been since you have eaten?" "2 DAYS," SHE REPLIED! She went on to tell me she fled her home in Blythe,CA to escape an abusive boyfriend and that she is having a rough time. It was 2 am so I asked her, Is any place open this late?" She said, "yes, Denny's which is a mile away is open 24 hours."
I gave her $6 that I had in my pocket. Her face lit up as if I had personally cooked a gourmet feast and just handed it to her. We both exchanged pleasantries and parted ways. As she walked away she shouted "You made my whole night!"
I was humbled by this experience. First that we take our everyday blessings for granted. There but for the grace of God go I! Second, I was in awe that God would use me to be a blessing to someone else! I thanked God for BLESSING ME and allowing me to be used as His vessel and that I was able to live His word. I was overwhelmed with an unexplainable peace that I had never felt before. When I returned to my hotel room I slept like a baby!
Before I go on I want to preface this by saying that I did not give the woman money to be rewarded or expecting to be blessed by my actions more than I already was.
I was boarding the shuttle to go to the airport. As I followed my fellow crew members to the back of the shuttle, I notice a green piece of paper underneath the seat. Both of my crew members passed it up. I picked it up and it was a $5 bill! Again feeling overwhelmed by God's awesome omnipotence, I began to tell my crew members about my encounter the night before. While one crew member recognized it as the Lord blessing me for blessing others, the other crew member dismissed it as coincidence. While some would normally dismiss this as coincidence, The Lord made his presence known in such a way that even this naysayer had to acknowledge this as heaven sent!
After our first flight of the day and my mind still being blown what had transpired in the prior 12 hours, I began my normal duty of cleaning the airplane. In the first row of seats that I began to clean was another green sheet of paper! This time a $20! My once skeptical crew member now was in awe as well!
Now I don't know about you, but I can count on one hand the times I have found money just laying around. And when I did it was at most $3. But to find a $5 and a $20 within 2 hours of each other? I am not a statistician but the odds of that happening would be very low. The Lord was clearly saying "I am not only going to bless you but show without a shadow of a doubt that this is my work!"
I wanted to share this story to share how God rewards his obedient servants. It is not always monetary, but know if you live a Christ filled life, he will take care of you!
I encourage you to share this with friends and family. I am not going to insult your intelligence and say something will or will not happen to you if you do. But there may be someone that needs to hear this message. I also encourage you to look for ways to be a blessing to others. It does not have to be monetary. It can be a kind word, a sincere smile, or a simple God bless you!
If you pray for the opportunity, God will use you in ways you never thought possible.

God Bless You!


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