United we stand divided we fall
I had planned to write about unity last week however I felt it important to wait until after the election. I witnessed one of the greatest divisive expression of emotions I think I have ever seen this last week. People literally allowed this election to divide family and friend simply because exercising our freedom to support a particular candidate did not line up with someone else's. With the polarization of our country at a peak I now felt it necessary to write my feelings about peace love and unity.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to speak to an elderly woman about her church. She shared with me that the small church she was attending was facing a critical juncture because some in the congregation felt as though the pastor was having an affair with one of the church widows. Both adamantly denied it but the small board of deacons voted and the pastor was removed. A petition circulated in this small town to have the pastor reinstated because of his love for people and passion to serve those in need. Nearly 80% of the church members voted to bring the pastor back however the board spoke and the decision stood. In short order the church lost most of it's members and to this day the have not been able to replace the pastor they lost.
The question was not whether the pastor had truly committed a sin it was whether or not he could still passionately serve if he had. You see when given a choice the majority can look at themselves in the mirror and realize that they too have bones in the closet. That does not make us good or bad it makes us human. The people of the small town felt they needed this man to continue to serve them even if he had committed the sin. In the end the decision was made and the church divided and fell.
We can use these examples in families. Several years ago I knew of a family that consisted of husband, wife, and four children. The husband had an affair and admitted it to his wife. She was crushed beyond words as most would be. To find comfort she turned to family and friends as she should in a time of crisis. That's what friends are for, right? In no time at all family and friend alike had convinced her to leave his sorry butt, never speak to him again, and if she were lucky he would leave town with his new whore. Trust me I am not over dramatizing this. In the privacy of her home the wife knew she still felt love for her husband and she desperately wanted to find away to save her family. She turned to her church and they too assured her that in the case of adultery divorce was the only answer.
I knew these people well and both wanted to save their family and put the pieces back together. The family and friends of the wife informed her that if she took him back they would have nothing to do with her again. The only answer they would accept was divorce. The wife was crushed. The support system she had turned to had left her heart divided. To accommodate family and friend the divorce took place. Now let me fast forward ten years. Both remarried and divorced again, two of the kids developed drug problems. Both husband and wife have filed bankruptcy. The husband whom never drink alcohol became alcoholic. They live on opposite sides of the country now and sad to say seldom speak. The family that was suppose to unite in a time of crisis divided. The church that was suppose to comfort aided in the separation of a family. This did not have to happen this way. In our weakest moments we should find strength in family, friend, and church. In this case all three played on the weakness and helped tear apart a family.
I receive literally hundreds of emails per month of people sharing their stories with me. Most are inspiring stories of love that truly warm your heart. Then there are those that crush the heart when you read about the division created when people try to reach out for help.
You wonder why the Christian faith is fading so fast? It is because of the Christians. Churches across America are losing members at staggering rates. We lost that loving feeling and no one is trying to get it back. For some reason we are taught to stand our ground on what we believe. That is ok if you know what you believe. Right now our belief system is centered around money, facebook, google, and the latest gossip. If you believe in Christ read the Bible. If you want to be a Christian spread love and for the record the Gospel's show what love really is.
If something creates division and polarization hate is not far behind and it must be stopped. The only way to stop division is to come together. I can promise you that love, forgiveness, acceptance, and unity feels so much better than hate, greed, jealousy, and anger. If you are on social media take a look at your post and see if you incite division or unity. Look at the t-shirt you wear, the bumper sticker on your car. What do your actions say to others?
It is time we give our lives a chance to enjoy the world in which we live. There is no need to wait until the weather gets better or the cows come home. The time is now to realize we are all human, we all commit sin, and we all need forgiveness. You are foolish to believe that the sin of your neighbor is better or worse than your own. Let's accept that God created us all to be loved. Please let your light shine before all. Share an expression of love. Accept the differences of the people around you. That which divides can unite if you allow it. Promote love of neighbor and love of self.
In closing do me a small favor. Go look in the mirror and admit that you are a sinner and that you do things that divide people. Now admit that you are a child of God with love in your heart. While standing there change that frown to a smile and say "I can make a difference in a positive way". Friends it will take us all to change from divided to united. We can't do alone but we can start alone. Do your part to unite and never stop. You will feel better and so will the world around you.
peace to you