My Opinion

I have an opinion about something that I would like to share. Notice I said opinion which means it does not have a factional basis of which I arrived at this most interesting information.

I believe God in our lives is much more than a person we read about it in the big book. I believe God is an entity of love which means hate and revenge do not reside in the heart of such a person. Lately we have faced some horrific crimes in America as well as some crazy doomsday prophecies. In both people were heard saying "where is God". This is where I want to share the rest of my opinion.

God is everywhere and in everyone. God is a creator not manipulator. God is love not hate. God orchestrates not directs, God builds he does not tear down. There are terrible crimes against people done by people that have happened since the second person arrived on the earth. These human acts are not God acts. God does not allow things to happen nor does God make things happen. God creates and in that creation he places the seeds of love, from that point forward we have to water and fertilize the seed so it can grow into a beautiful flower of hope. We the people cause the problems not God. Remember God gave us life he does not live it for us and trust me you would not want to be from a God who controlled your life.

So that begs the rest of the story, where does it all change? My humble hippie ragpicking brain tells me that the change can happen but we first have to believe that it can. If we spend our time building up a defense system for something that is a figment of our over paranoid imagination then we cannot spread a seed of love and hope. For real positive change to occur it takes changing the way you view the world in which you live. You can't focus on nor can you constantly create negatives in your life and blame them on others. The drama you find yourself surrounded by is not God created nor will it be God that miraculously gets you out of it.

Do you recall a few weeks ago I made a statement that you can't get to Florida from Tennessee if you head north. You can pray for a miracle all you want but you are not getting there no matter how hard and fervently you pray. You are going to go exactly where you head. You lash out against people with negative garbage then you will most likely find yourself surrounded by people that do the exact same thing. If you truly offer a positive message of love, peace, forgiveness, and acceptance you will find that type of people migrating to you as well. We become what we do and what we say.

Do not hold a position that has no merit. The world did not end Dec 21st, the economy did not crash after the election, Y2K did not wipe out the worlds computers and you can add whatever else to the list you would like. The point is this, create your belief system to believe that God created us to love life and to love each other. When our minds and actions drift away from that position we wind up exactly where we are heading. God is in you and will always be in you. God is not seeking revenge on the world because of actions of people we do not agree with. If God were revengeful he would not he a God of love. In the end whether you believe it or not my opinion will hold that love, peace, forgiveness, and acceptance is the only solution that will reflect what God placed in us.

These are only the opinions of a hippie ragpicker.

peace to you


Anonymous said…
Dale this is wonderfully stated, I too say the exact same things to those amoung us that blame God for everything terrible that happens. We choose our own destinations in this life. Bless you & your family today & everyday.
denise jenkins pickett said…
Dale do you mind if I share these posts with my friends they are so inspiring to me?

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