Where is the LOVE
I often write about peace, love and acceptance. I guess you could say I have made that my cornerstone in the reflections I write. I have had several questions over the last few weeks asking me how I can believe in the power of peace and love when there is so much violence and hatred around us. I decided to share some core beliefs I hold about this topic and hopefully it will bring some clarity to my thoughts.
I believe strong in the eternal truths of nature and in that falls peace, love and acceptance. It doesn't matter whether you find yourself believing the teaching of Christ, Buddha or any other of the great prophets of days gone by, they all hold peace and love as the eternal answer. But let's forget those great people for a few minutes and look deeper into ourselves. God the creator placed in us the natural knowledge and desire to love. We have emotions of love that we are literally willing to die for. If in fact one of your children was being harmed any parent without thought would step in and place their own lives in harms way to protect their child. That is the power of true love that was given to us at birth.
God also gave us the ability to accept each other. Watch young children at a playground they are not as aware of each others differences as is the cynical nature of the adult. The children accept because for the most part society and people have not taken away their ability to love.
As humans we are social creatures, we need love, we need peace, and we need acceptance. Wars, division, and hatred were all created because someone had a need for power that went beyond the laws of nature. Peace can move more people to certain action than war ever will. Think about it, in war we are fighting a battle we are told we must believe in. When it comes to peace we can feel the belief to our very core. In war the victory march is tallied in deaths, in peace the victory march is tallied in life. Division and hatred will always cause more harm than acceptance and love. Remember the old saying united we stand divided we fall. That is true in the laws of nature.
What do you believe? Do you believe that the problems of the world can be solved by peaceful means or do you think we all have to separate ourselves from each other to support the platforms we think will solve something when the actuality is they create more division. If you go along with the old quote "if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything" then please stand for what is universally true and that is love of neighbor.
If you are a Christian it does NO good to spout off verses that condemn others. If you are a Christian in the sense that you claim to follow Jesus then you turn the other cheek, you love your enemy, you comfort the sick, you visit the ones in prison, you give to the poor, you forgive those that trespass against you and the list of love, peace, and acceptance goes on and on. Jesus did not promote the Baptist against the Catholic, or the Jews and against the Hindu's. Jesus promoted the universal law built inherently in us and that is to love one another.
Other than the media no one cares about your shouting out about political or religious differences, the loudest voices that carry the most weight or those that are in the trenches sharing love to everyone they come in contact with. When Jesus said spread the good news trust me he was not saying wave your Bible in the air and scream out some verses that you yourself barely believe. The good news is just that GOOD NEWS which means to love your neighbor as yourself. That neighbor may not look like you or act like you but you are still called to love. That is the power of LOVE. Promote peace and you promote hope. Shatter peace and you promote a cynical nature of hate and division. Which you do you think will solve the problems of the world?
peace to you all
I believe strong in the eternal truths of nature and in that falls peace, love and acceptance. It doesn't matter whether you find yourself believing the teaching of Christ, Buddha or any other of the great prophets of days gone by, they all hold peace and love as the eternal answer. But let's forget those great people for a few minutes and look deeper into ourselves. God the creator placed in us the natural knowledge and desire to love. We have emotions of love that we are literally willing to die for. If in fact one of your children was being harmed any parent without thought would step in and place their own lives in harms way to protect their child. That is the power of true love that was given to us at birth.
God also gave us the ability to accept each other. Watch young children at a playground they are not as aware of each others differences as is the cynical nature of the adult. The children accept because for the most part society and people have not taken away their ability to love.
As humans we are social creatures, we need love, we need peace, and we need acceptance. Wars, division, and hatred were all created because someone had a need for power that went beyond the laws of nature. Peace can move more people to certain action than war ever will. Think about it, in war we are fighting a battle we are told we must believe in. When it comes to peace we can feel the belief to our very core. In war the victory march is tallied in deaths, in peace the victory march is tallied in life. Division and hatred will always cause more harm than acceptance and love. Remember the old saying united we stand divided we fall. That is true in the laws of nature.
What do you believe? Do you believe that the problems of the world can be solved by peaceful means or do you think we all have to separate ourselves from each other to support the platforms we think will solve something when the actuality is they create more division. If you go along with the old quote "if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything" then please stand for what is universally true and that is love of neighbor.
If you are a Christian it does NO good to spout off verses that condemn others. If you are a Christian in the sense that you claim to follow Jesus then you turn the other cheek, you love your enemy, you comfort the sick, you visit the ones in prison, you give to the poor, you forgive those that trespass against you and the list of love, peace, and acceptance goes on and on. Jesus did not promote the Baptist against the Catholic, or the Jews and against the Hindu's. Jesus promoted the universal law built inherently in us and that is to love one another.
Other than the media no one cares about your shouting out about political or religious differences, the loudest voices that carry the most weight or those that are in the trenches sharing love to everyone they come in contact with. When Jesus said spread the good news trust me he was not saying wave your Bible in the air and scream out some verses that you yourself barely believe. The good news is just that GOOD NEWS which means to love your neighbor as yourself. That neighbor may not look like you or act like you but you are still called to love. That is the power of LOVE. Promote peace and you promote hope. Shatter peace and you promote a cynical nature of hate and division. Which you do you think will solve the problems of the world?
peace to you all