Well not really but it is a call to action. 

I was reading this morning about professed Christians that constantly spread hate. It was a well written article, so much so, that I wanted to ad my thoughts. 

For years now I have been writing about hate and the destruction it causes. Usually the person spreading the bigot filled message is unaware they are doing so. When cornered or called out they will recite one or two Bible verses that they interpret to justify their actions. 

Let's be clear about something, the Bible does not justify HATE ever. We the Christians make it very difficult to remain, well, Christians. We certainly do a poor job attracting others to our movement. I read a statistic a few weeks ago and it said that over the last ten years 40% of church attending Christians have left their churches. Now we can easily place the blame on the ones that have left however beings that this is a nationwide epidemic it is probably better to focus on the group left behind. 

Hate as you all know is a powerful and misunderstood motivator. Sometimes the confusion is so deep that it creates a wound that provokes the hate. Many people that read this blog have written to me recently sharing their stories about why they left the church they attended. Their reasons were probably not what you may think however there was a common denominator. Remember hate is not always in your face it is usually behind the back gossip. Power in churches prompted many to leave because they felt the true message of Christ was being lost. Factions or groups that promote their cause at the expense of others was a motivator for people leaving. The number one by far though was because the so called Christians drew the imaginary line in the sand by excluding people that looked, acted, thought, or lived different than they did. This in sighted bigotry and hate in such a way that it mask itself with biblical interpretation. 

Christians that understand their faith do not promote hate. People that do not understand their Christianity do. Jesus was clear in the model he presented to us. Over and over in The Gospels we see Jesus healing and  forgiving the less fortunate. In the perfect model of Christianity the rich help the poor in such a way that is not humiliating. We take care of each other. Jesus never ask the rich and famous to be the power behind the church and create the rules that benefit them. The model was to love, help, promote peace, accept, forgive, share, etc. 

I urge everyone not to get caught up in hate filled movements. If you respond to or post negative hate filled comments on social media please consider saying nothing. Negative comments spread like wildfire while love filled ones move slow. Be a part of something positive. Remember no one said being a Christian was easy but it is rewarding. 

Let's make today a fun peace and love filled day. 

peace to you


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