A new day is dawning

A new day is dawning and your list of things to do is already growing. Not that it matters because you have decided that it is going to be a great day and nothing is going to steal it from you. Today you tell yourself you will seek peace, share a smile, and bring hope to others. Today is YOUR day.

Then it happens, your ability to surrender control and allow God like trust is overshadowed by your desire to direct not inspire the actions of others. Soon your morning mantra has been replaced by the norm that drives your mind and the peace and smiles are gone.

We have so many norms in our lives that control nearly every action we take or accept. To step out of that comfort zone, which by the way is usually more miserable than comfortable we think, takes an act of courage not found in most people. You know the ole saying "sometimes things have to fall apart so they can fall in place" is true if we want our lives to have more of a significant meaning.

Think about what Jesus did when he arrived on this earth. People liked what he said and did but they were not willing to give up their norms or riches to follow him. He preached and taught peace, love, and forgiveness which went totally against what society was teaching. His message was nice because the sins of humanity all the sudden meant we were normal people that could be forgiven and change. BUT he was a threat to the so called religious controlling leaders of the day. Beings that they could not manipulate and control the actions of Jesus the only thing left was to have him killed.

This my friends is exactly how life plays out for the masses. Even if you have riches beyond measure and all the nice stuff money can by most likely you are still being controlled and find yourself on this roller coaster of misery that is spinning out of control. Life has become directed by others and the search for peace is all but a forgotten dream.

What is happening especially in our media driven world is trust is slowly being removed. It is not so much a conscience act yet it happens. If you go back a short amount of time before all the instant media people trusted each other, they looked out for one another, but then the slow steady erosion of faith in others twisted our minds to a state of permanent confusion. Don't believe me? Think about it for a few minutes. I bet what you see and read on the news controls your mood almost at the snap of a finger. Your joy can easily be replaced by bitterness. A friend can call and share some news that may or may not be true and it instantly changes how you feel about someone.

I will say this, if the devil truly exist his goal in my opinion would be to create great division in our lives and the best way to do that is make us all doubt and lose trust in others. The devil is after our hopes and dreams. Once he has that he has us. Just about everything now days has a discourse of division. Consider church in America, politics, the work place, social media, etc. Very little is trying to bring unity. The goal seems to bring division which as you now know leads to inactivity of the mind or hate itself.

The hope is still there and that is the great thing. We can once again find the child like faith that is spoken of in the Gospels. We can learn to trust again knowing that our humanity is going to allow for mistakes. We can learn to forgive others and ourselves. We can learn to instill hope and pride in our daily walk. We can share a sign of peace such as a simple smile or kind act. We can learn that our lives and the lives of those around us matter. We are truly one in body and when we learn that we can make the whole body healthy.

Whether you are a Christian or not or whether you even believe in the Bible you will have to admit that the model this man Jesus taught was the one that needs to be taught today. Love yourself and others, share peace, help the sick, take care of the widows, bring hope to the hopeless, FORGIVE quick and accept the humanity which God gave us.

There is so much hope and it starts right now. I chose to go out a make this the best day of my life. I am smiling now knowing that I can make a difference in my life and a positive difference in someone else's. Come on join the peace train and let's get this party started. The change we all need is waiting on you. I chose to do my part and I hope you will too. Remember as I always say "a life is a terrible thing to waste".

peace to you


Anonymous said…
Wow dale...things have to fall apart so they can fall together...truer words were never spoken

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