Passion Potential Purpose
Potential, passion, and purpose. All three of these words are playing games in my head today. I have tried for days now to write a reflection and for various reasons either lost the drive or courage to finish the task. Each time I would delete what I wrote. Today while working in the yard the answer to my writing block came to me.
I, like many, fear my own potential. I avoid my passions or make excuses as to why I can't pursue them because in the event I do I just might live up to my potential. Beings that I live in fear of self for some reason when I seek to find my purpose that quest too hits a roadblock. Because to much discovery leads me back to my passion which would have opened up my potential and that would have taken more courage than I had.
This makes more sense than you think. We all make excuses why we do or act a certain way. Those excuses bleed over into all phases of life and before you know it you have no idea what your purpose, potential, or passion is. Movies have been made about people quitting just before self discovery or victory. We all want to dream of our potential but the truth is most fear it. We even sabotage our own success in order not to meet our potential.
If you don't believe that last statement maybe you can relate to this. How many people complain about their jobs yet make every excuse under the sun not to seek to improve. Let's see if I can name a few. I can't change due to my insurance, the kids are still in school, I have to wait until the car is paid off, a relative needs my care, the dog is too old, etc. You know all the excuses you play around with. How about staying in a bad relationship. Well I can't leave or change until the kids grow up, I have no where to go, my savings are gone, I am to fat or to old, etc. You can ad your own list to mine.
You get the game by now. I am sure I have ruffled some feathers and there are plenty reading that are saying, well Dale you just don't understand. YOU ARE RIGHT I don't understand. We, me, you, most average people in some form or fashion sabotage their purpose and potential which kills their passion for life. This basically enables us to be part of the Walking Dead Club. Being in this club thank goodness takes no faith or courage so it is easy to belong to. Now if you want to join the ALIVE Club you have to make decisions that spark your inner self to wake up and get going. This Club has a huge price tag and it is called FAITH and COURAGE.
Friends the devil wants us to believe we can't do anything more than what we currently do. We can't dream because it is a waste of time. Why bother figuring out your purpose, passion, or potential because they are just words with no meaning. God on the other hand says "I reward risk". Don't believe that check out the parable of the talents, the prodigal son, and the list goes on and on. God rewards those that step up to the edge, look out at the view and with their heart beating 200 times per minute take the leap of FAITH.
Is that person still hiding out inside you or has he or she already died and no one has buried you. I say that person is alive and well and just needs the nudge to escape the bondage the years have placed on you. It is so important that we live our potential, seek our passions, and find our purpose. The greatest reward in life is to live and the only way to live is to be ALIVE.
I always speak of the movement because I believe we can make a difference in the world in which we live. We have to accept where we are so we can seek to go further. Make it part of your mantra from this point forward to move yourself in the direction of your passions. Don't try to change the world overnight but do stay true to your core. You have been captive long enough by people that want to control you. God wants to set you free. Remember the last line in the story of Lazarus when Jesus turns to the crowd and says "unbind that man". It is time we set people free that we have held bound and then we set ourselves free. A beautiful life awaits those that seek. Knock and the door shall be opened, seek and you shall find. Do you have the courage to change? I think WE do.
peace to you
I, like many, fear my own potential. I avoid my passions or make excuses as to why I can't pursue them because in the event I do I just might live up to my potential. Beings that I live in fear of self for some reason when I seek to find my purpose that quest too hits a roadblock. Because to much discovery leads me back to my passion which would have opened up my potential and that would have taken more courage than I had.
This makes more sense than you think. We all make excuses why we do or act a certain way. Those excuses bleed over into all phases of life and before you know it you have no idea what your purpose, potential, or passion is. Movies have been made about people quitting just before self discovery or victory. We all want to dream of our potential but the truth is most fear it. We even sabotage our own success in order not to meet our potential.
If you don't believe that last statement maybe you can relate to this. How many people complain about their jobs yet make every excuse under the sun not to seek to improve. Let's see if I can name a few. I can't change due to my insurance, the kids are still in school, I have to wait until the car is paid off, a relative needs my care, the dog is too old, etc. You know all the excuses you play around with. How about staying in a bad relationship. Well I can't leave or change until the kids grow up, I have no where to go, my savings are gone, I am to fat or to old, etc. You can ad your own list to mine.
You get the game by now. I am sure I have ruffled some feathers and there are plenty reading that are saying, well Dale you just don't understand. YOU ARE RIGHT I don't understand. We, me, you, most average people in some form or fashion sabotage their purpose and potential which kills their passion for life. This basically enables us to be part of the Walking Dead Club. Being in this club thank goodness takes no faith or courage so it is easy to belong to. Now if you want to join the ALIVE Club you have to make decisions that spark your inner self to wake up and get going. This Club has a huge price tag and it is called FAITH and COURAGE.
Friends the devil wants us to believe we can't do anything more than what we currently do. We can't dream because it is a waste of time. Why bother figuring out your purpose, passion, or potential because they are just words with no meaning. God on the other hand says "I reward risk". Don't believe that check out the parable of the talents, the prodigal son, and the list goes on and on. God rewards those that step up to the edge, look out at the view and with their heart beating 200 times per minute take the leap of FAITH.
Is that person still hiding out inside you or has he or she already died and no one has buried you. I say that person is alive and well and just needs the nudge to escape the bondage the years have placed on you. It is so important that we live our potential, seek our passions, and find our purpose. The greatest reward in life is to live and the only way to live is to be ALIVE.
I always speak of the movement because I believe we can make a difference in the world in which we live. We have to accept where we are so we can seek to go further. Make it part of your mantra from this point forward to move yourself in the direction of your passions. Don't try to change the world overnight but do stay true to your core. You have been captive long enough by people that want to control you. God wants to set you free. Remember the last line in the story of Lazarus when Jesus turns to the crowd and says "unbind that man". It is time we set people free that we have held bound and then we set ourselves free. A beautiful life awaits those that seek. Knock and the door shall be opened, seek and you shall find. Do you have the courage to change? I think WE do.
peace to you