Prodigal Son
And so it was written, the darkness in the midst of the light. The essence of life's most intriguing mysteries, the loss of hope while searching for being. Why do we do what we do and why do we allow things to happen to us that we can control if we so choose.
Seldom to I write about a particular scripture and try to reference it to life but today I am going to step out and so just that. The parable of the prodigal son is resonating in my brain today. I love the humanity, greed, jealousy, and love displayed in the short story. The son of a wealthy landowner demands his inheritance so he can go out and conquer the world. The obliging dad gives him the money and sends him off in the darkness of light in the HOPE that he can get a handle on life and make his own positive mark.
You are familiar with the story so far, right? Let's go a little further with it. The boy spends all of his money on junk that he didn't need and soon found himself broke, lonely, hopeless, and contrite of heart. In his broken state he found a job cleaning the swine and eating scraps. Once he realized how bad the situation was he made the conscience decision to crawl back to his dad beg forgiveness in the hopes of getting a job in better working conditions.
As the story goes the dad saw the young man coming and was so excited he asked his workers to prepare the best calf, get a nice robe, shoes, and a ring. Sounds pretty good for someone that blew all his money on worthless stuff. Never the less the loyal son was angered by the actions of the dad. He wondered why the dad would prepare the best calf for the wayward son when he has never gotten as much as a goat. The dad in his wisdom told the loyal son, everything I own is yours, BUT this other son of mine was lost but now he is found, he was dead and now he has life, he was blind but now he sees. This is an amazing display of love and forgiveness.
Why do I write about this today and what relevance does it have to my normal blogging. For some reason today I thought about all the get rich schemes or to good to be opportunities that are always floating around. Awesome companies with products you simply cannot live without, even though we have for all this time. Oh and the money that can be made, keep in mind the reference is always to one or two people that have made it big, take exotic vacations, drive fancy cars, and have bulging bank accounts. This could be you IF.
What does this have to do with the first paragraph or the prodigal son. Everything to be honest with you. In life now more than ever we are faced with demons masking themselves as anything that can slowly erode our hopes and dreams. We walk in the darkness of light because we cannot see the hope over the horizon. It has been stolen by a thief in the night masquerading around as a humble person lending a helping hand. The trust factor begins to fade as does the desire to step closer to the edge and be the awesome person God intended. We followed when we should have led, we believed in the to good to be true and left reason on the door step.
Life is an amazing mystery filled with doubt by a mankind that killed the dream of a daring tomorrow. The opportunity robbed us of our riches and broke the trust we had so desperately needed. The pain and confusion sets in while the joy and smiles drift away.
This is the place our mind takes us when we feel all is lost. We were shaken to the core, embarrassed beyond words and left to crawl back to the warmth we felt as though we had to leave. Much to our surprise the warmth and love was still there embracing us with open arms and restoring the hope that humanity had so viciously taken.
I want to leave you with this. I have no magic potion or mystical approach or spell that will make the pain of life go away. I do have hope though that together we can create opportunities that lead us to the edge of the cliff so we can enjoy the splendid view from the top. Then we can muster up the courage to take the leap of faith that God has always hoped we would do. Not to get rich quick but to get free quick. Remember "FREEDOM IS JUST ANOTHER WORD FOR NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE".
Lets restore our hope and get closer to the light while removing the darkness that blinds us. Are we the prodigal son or the loving dad? I bet we are both.
peace to you
Seldom to I write about a particular scripture and try to reference it to life but today I am going to step out and so just that. The parable of the prodigal son is resonating in my brain today. I love the humanity, greed, jealousy, and love displayed in the short story. The son of a wealthy landowner demands his inheritance so he can go out and conquer the world. The obliging dad gives him the money and sends him off in the darkness of light in the HOPE that he can get a handle on life and make his own positive mark.
You are familiar with the story so far, right? Let's go a little further with it. The boy spends all of his money on junk that he didn't need and soon found himself broke, lonely, hopeless, and contrite of heart. In his broken state he found a job cleaning the swine and eating scraps. Once he realized how bad the situation was he made the conscience decision to crawl back to his dad beg forgiveness in the hopes of getting a job in better working conditions.
As the story goes the dad saw the young man coming and was so excited he asked his workers to prepare the best calf, get a nice robe, shoes, and a ring. Sounds pretty good for someone that blew all his money on worthless stuff. Never the less the loyal son was angered by the actions of the dad. He wondered why the dad would prepare the best calf for the wayward son when he has never gotten as much as a goat. The dad in his wisdom told the loyal son, everything I own is yours, BUT this other son of mine was lost but now he is found, he was dead and now he has life, he was blind but now he sees. This is an amazing display of love and forgiveness.
Why do I write about this today and what relevance does it have to my normal blogging. For some reason today I thought about all the get rich schemes or to good to be opportunities that are always floating around. Awesome companies with products you simply cannot live without, even though we have for all this time. Oh and the money that can be made, keep in mind the reference is always to one or two people that have made it big, take exotic vacations, drive fancy cars, and have bulging bank accounts. This could be you IF.
What does this have to do with the first paragraph or the prodigal son. Everything to be honest with you. In life now more than ever we are faced with demons masking themselves as anything that can slowly erode our hopes and dreams. We walk in the darkness of light because we cannot see the hope over the horizon. It has been stolen by a thief in the night masquerading around as a humble person lending a helping hand. The trust factor begins to fade as does the desire to step closer to the edge and be the awesome person God intended. We followed when we should have led, we believed in the to good to be true and left reason on the door step.
Life is an amazing mystery filled with doubt by a mankind that killed the dream of a daring tomorrow. The opportunity robbed us of our riches and broke the trust we had so desperately needed. The pain and confusion sets in while the joy and smiles drift away.
This is the place our mind takes us when we feel all is lost. We were shaken to the core, embarrassed beyond words and left to crawl back to the warmth we felt as though we had to leave. Much to our surprise the warmth and love was still there embracing us with open arms and restoring the hope that humanity had so viciously taken.
I want to leave you with this. I have no magic potion or mystical approach or spell that will make the pain of life go away. I do have hope though that together we can create opportunities that lead us to the edge of the cliff so we can enjoy the splendid view from the top. Then we can muster up the courage to take the leap of faith that God has always hoped we would do. Not to get rich quick but to get free quick. Remember "FREEDOM IS JUST ANOTHER WORD FOR NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE".
Lets restore our hope and get closer to the light while removing the darkness that blinds us. Are we the prodigal son or the loving dad? I bet we are both.
peace to you