Let's talk a little bit about the faith and spiritual challenges that lie dormant in our minds for so many years. I think it is fear that keeps these thoughts from coming to the surface for exploration. When we think about God it is almost as though it is mythical in nature. Do you struggle with that? Well tackle this:
Why do kids get diseases that takes their lives so early?
If the Bible is the true inspired word of God why has it been interpreted thousands of different ways and each changing the meaning?
Why do we justify God's existence when in fact we can't see him (her)?
If God made man in his own image does that mean that God is love, evil, hate, joyful, emotional, controlling, bullying, etc?
Each person reading this at various points in life has had reason to question who, what, and where God is. The questions obviously come with little to no answers so we are taught to rely on faith.
That is why I enjoy writing so much. The questions I placed above are the same ones I get ask every week. How do you believe in God? Like many of you I can't give them fact based answers so I go to the tried and true one's that we all use. You know the miracle birth of a child, the grandiose views of nature, the awe inspiring solar system. Those are great responses wouldn't you agree? There was something much greater than man that created this place we call earth and the heavens and it should be obvious without question RIGHT?
The faith thing is the one that eludes us mere humans. When I go skydiving I trust my parachute will open, or I sure as heck am not taking the leap. I have faith. When I get in my vehicle several times per day I trust in ME that I will get me to my destination safely. For the sake of conversation I have faith in the other drivers on the road to not run over me as they have the same faith in me. Our faith in humanity at times is much greater than our faith in this mythical God that we have been taught to believe in by one of those many variations of scripture we spoke of earlier.
When people write to me asking me to explain God without using biblical reference I honestly find it rather difficult. The reason is, that it is where our core belief was developed from. That in and of itself is quiet odd if you think about it. The bible for centuries was hidden from the people. Also this book which is called the road-map to salvation does not exist in it's original format. Let me repeat that, there are no originals in existence of the book we call The Bible. How could that be if we are dependent on the teachings to gain us eternal salvation? Kind of makes it difficult to move non-believers to the other side.
I am not writing to expose my disbelief. With the help of hundreds of emails I am writing this to expose and explore our human curiosity to that which we do not understand. The God that made us gave us the curious nature to wonder and challenge, so that is exactly what I think we were intended to do.
In life when you just accept things as they are you have no chance at finding the inner you that gets lost for a lifetime. Our goals in life such as spiritual exploration lies just outside our comfort zone. If we are not willing to step over and ask the tough questions it will be hard to ever find true peace and love.
Think about this, each church, each preacher, teacher, or priest has his or her own method to teach the saving grace of Christ (God). Those beliefs are centered around the knowledge and feelings they have developed. In their own charismatic way they convince you to believe something that at the time feels good. Then you hear it spoken another way and another until you are so confused you basically give up on spiritual growth completely.
Look we need all the knowledge we can get about anything to be a believer. If you want to find a way to make this mythical God real then please step out and explore. Allow yourself to get in tune with who you are and the one that created you. Allow your mind to expand way beyond the norms we have been taught to believe without question. There are few absolutes in this life so get moving and get exploring. Once you open your mind I can faithfully say that your church will become better, your love will grow stronger, your desire for peace will expand exponentially, and your faith in God will become a reality. NO ONE can do this for you, this relationship is as personal as it gets.
Give yourself permission to grow. Take the leap of faith. If you have the courage to get in a car and drive, which by the way is the most dangerous thing you will do today, then you have what it takes to explore the spiritual unknown. This mythical God is waiting on you so go ahead do your part to make him a reality in your life.
Enjoy the ride and I believe your faith is about to explode.
peace to you
Why do kids get diseases that takes their lives so early?
If the Bible is the true inspired word of God why has it been interpreted thousands of different ways and each changing the meaning?
Why do we justify God's existence when in fact we can't see him (her)?
If God made man in his own image does that mean that God is love, evil, hate, joyful, emotional, controlling, bullying, etc?
Each person reading this at various points in life has had reason to question who, what, and where God is. The questions obviously come with little to no answers so we are taught to rely on faith.
That is why I enjoy writing so much. The questions I placed above are the same ones I get ask every week. How do you believe in God? Like many of you I can't give them fact based answers so I go to the tried and true one's that we all use. You know the miracle birth of a child, the grandiose views of nature, the awe inspiring solar system. Those are great responses wouldn't you agree? There was something much greater than man that created this place we call earth and the heavens and it should be obvious without question RIGHT?
The faith thing is the one that eludes us mere humans. When I go skydiving I trust my parachute will open, or I sure as heck am not taking the leap. I have faith. When I get in my vehicle several times per day I trust in ME that I will get me to my destination safely. For the sake of conversation I have faith in the other drivers on the road to not run over me as they have the same faith in me. Our faith in humanity at times is much greater than our faith in this mythical God that we have been taught to believe in by one of those many variations of scripture we spoke of earlier.
When people write to me asking me to explain God without using biblical reference I honestly find it rather difficult. The reason is, that it is where our core belief was developed from. That in and of itself is quiet odd if you think about it. The bible for centuries was hidden from the people. Also this book which is called the road-map to salvation does not exist in it's original format. Let me repeat that, there are no originals in existence of the book we call The Bible. How could that be if we are dependent on the teachings to gain us eternal salvation? Kind of makes it difficult to move non-believers to the other side.
I am not writing to expose my disbelief. With the help of hundreds of emails I am writing this to expose and explore our human curiosity to that which we do not understand. The God that made us gave us the curious nature to wonder and challenge, so that is exactly what I think we were intended to do.
In life when you just accept things as they are you have no chance at finding the inner you that gets lost for a lifetime. Our goals in life such as spiritual exploration lies just outside our comfort zone. If we are not willing to step over and ask the tough questions it will be hard to ever find true peace and love.
Think about this, each church, each preacher, teacher, or priest has his or her own method to teach the saving grace of Christ (God). Those beliefs are centered around the knowledge and feelings they have developed. In their own charismatic way they convince you to believe something that at the time feels good. Then you hear it spoken another way and another until you are so confused you basically give up on spiritual growth completely.
Look we need all the knowledge we can get about anything to be a believer. If you want to find a way to make this mythical God real then please step out and explore. Allow yourself to get in tune with who you are and the one that created you. Allow your mind to expand way beyond the norms we have been taught to believe without question. There are few absolutes in this life so get moving and get exploring. Once you open your mind I can faithfully say that your church will become better, your love will grow stronger, your desire for peace will expand exponentially, and your faith in God will become a reality. NO ONE can do this for you, this relationship is as personal as it gets.
Give yourself permission to grow. Take the leap of faith. If you have the courage to get in a car and drive, which by the way is the most dangerous thing you will do today, then you have what it takes to explore the spiritual unknown. This mythical God is waiting on you so go ahead do your part to make him a reality in your life.
Enjoy the ride and I believe your faith is about to explode.
peace to you