Wings of Hope

How thick is your skin or how expansive is your wing span? I am seeing so many people of late with what we like to call thin skin. My first thoughts on these people is "they can dish it out but can't take it" but the reality is that may not be true. In life as we face adversity and stare down the effects of shattered dreams I have come to believe that people's wings get clipped or broken rendering them hopelessly grounded.

Why does life deal or dole out these life altering situations? Some people have a strange ability to survive and even thrive on adversity, setbacks, and obstacles while others seem to crumble when the weight of the world gets to heavy to bare. Going back to the thick skin question for a moment. I do not wish to make this reflection Biblical in nature but I would like to draw a parallel to the teachings of Christ and the actions of current day Christians.

In the Gospels we find Christ dishing our the harshest criticism to the religious zealots of the time. The people that would cast judgement on others because they did not fit the mold of societal norms or worse did not fit into the religious beliefs their group conformed to. Christ made it clear that he came not for the self righteous but for the sinner. To my point Christ did not go around clipping people's wings he mended the broken in spirit and allowed them the opportunity to fly high once again. Thick skin? That is what we get from years of doing right things when others think we are wrong. We build up a tolerance of love which forges in us the need to extent offerings of peace. I hope if you are Christian you find yourself building people up with your faith and not tearing them down. Sharing the word in a condescending  way does more harm than good. Share the word with love and you gain followers, share with attitude of elevating your platform and everyone loses.

As I grow older, not wiser, I search for the good in everyone. The strange phenomenon is I usually find it. I see some of the greatest minds, thoughts, and peace actions coming from those that have finally spread their clipped wings far enough as to allow them to find rejuvenation and grow wider.

Life is so full of experiences. Some we and others label as good while some get labeled as bad. Regardless each step we take brings us to exactly where we are right this minute. We are where we are with the skin we arrived in. Whether that skin is thick or thin or whether or wings are clipped and broken matter little. What does matter is you and I have arrived, we are here. The question becomes, how we can take what we have and together make a life filled with hope, energy, excitement, enthusiasm, spiritual fulfillment, and exponential growth? From my small section of land on this earth I choose to find the good in everyone. Be a student of peace and forever use my mind to learn, develop, and grow into a better person.

Let's stand up and stand together and stare down those that seek to destroy people by their manipulative actions. United we forge a peaceful attitude that will make others want what we have. A fresh mind and new outlook will effectuate more change in you than you could imagine. Kick the sand off your sandals and walk away from that which pulls you down. Rediscover YOU. Time is passing ever so fast so quit reading and get moving.
peace to you


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