Life Lesson "Vision"

What is your vision for your life? You see a vision is a clear mental picture of what COULD be. That means that if you have a poor vision of your life your path very possibly will lead you that way. I recall a quote from the late great Helen Keller when she said, "the only thing worse than having no sight is having no vision". It is easy to get caught up in the "what's the use" frame of mind.  Keep in mind there are people out there, possibly yourself included that conscientiously or sub-conscientiously keep you from your potential.  We often times go to great lengths to block our paths with useless junk in order to give ourselves an excuse for what we never accomplish.

If we are to learn from life's lessons we first have to know where we are in regards to where we are going as well as the meaning of the lesson we think we are learning. How many times have you ever said to yourself "oh my I will never do that again", only to find yourself doing it again? We all do, my point is that was not a life lesson if we repeated that which our mind told us it was a mistake to start with.

I often hear people talk about a friend or acquaintance apologizing for something using words such as, “he is only apologizing because he was caught". Folks sometimes the best lessons in life come from getting caught. When you are in the moment it is difficult to realize the harm you are doing to yourself and others. The gift, the grace, the LESSON is in getting caught and it should provide a clear conduit to a heartfelt apology. That is when others must remember that they too are imperfect and will be in need of forgiveness many times throughout their own lives. Pave the way for your vision to see compassionate needs of others so they in turn can pay that lesson forward and have that same vision for themselves. We truly are part of a bigger circle and we really are in this world together.

I love this quote from Dr Martin Luther King  “The richer we have become materially, the poorer we become morally and spiritually. We have learned to fly in the air like birds and swim in the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers.”

How powerful those words and it ties in perfectly with the life lesson of vision. Why do we elevate or ourselves in stature to the point to where we simply cannot have a clear vision of what life for others truly looks like? It is so true that we become what we are around or we become that which we are constantly exposed to. Have you ever read about the cappo's in the concentration camps? They were the inmates that the German guards gave some power to as to help them guard the other inmates. History tells us that the cappo's for the most part became as cruel if not more so than the German guards. They became what they were around.

What about you? Go back to that vision of your life. As you look forward with 20-20 hindsight as life changes you how do you treat those of whom you left behind or currently encounter. When life circumstances change do you blame others for where you are or were? If your socioeconomic conditions changed for the better do you judge those that have less? Your immediate answer will be no however give it plenty of thought an observation before concluding that. 

If your vision is a crystal clear mental picture of what could be, let me ask this question, does your vision have an element of love of self and neighbor? To love ourselves means we have to use that which we were given. It also means when the day of our departure from this earth arrives we should make sure there is nothing left. We have done it all as best we could. We left nothing for the imagination; our bodies will be worn out from living our lives to our fullest potential. 

If you believe in God then you have to believe in that which he created. God created us all to be equal. As Dr King said we all have to learn to live together. So many groups shout out hate to groups that are different than they are. Create in yourself a vision that stands for the principles you claim to believe. Stand for them in peaceful loving ways. If you are a follower of Christ and have read the Gospels then you fully understand the power of love. The Gospels do not teach us how to hate they teach us how to love. If that is your vision of life please take measures to live it. If your vision of life does not include an element of love please find it. Without love life simply has no meaning. Man's search for meaning is about love and acceptance. The search is lifelong and creates a colorful vision as we go. 

peace to you


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