Dream or Drama

How much wisdom lies in life experiences? I often wonder how much we truly learn from the mistakes that we make. I have always encouraged people, including myself, to venture in to uncharted territory and allow yourself to make mistakes. The wisdom is in the lesson not the actual act. I also love the wisdom in great quotes. Even though we may not have had the experience that lead to creating the quotes we can usually relate to them and form a mental picture of a time gone by or a dream of the future.

I love this quote by Buddha
A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers thousands in battle.

Or check this one out
Love doesn't die because of distance it dies because of doubt

Here is a good one by Shakespeare
Expectation is the root of all heartache

I love life wisdom, I love learning, growing, experiencing, climbing, and all the other things that go along with living life on the edge. The adrenaline of wonder, the awesomeness of the view, the wow in the moment, and the power of chance.

Let's not allow our lives to be written the way others want it to be. We should define and write our own chapters exactly the way we chose. Illness, financial ability, physical state, or emotional stability are all part of the life journey BUT you and I are the authors and deciders of the outcome.

We all need excitement, not DRAMA. We need positive, not negative. We need encouragement, not doubt. We need someone to say "yes you can" not "no you can't". We need to believe everything possible and chase the dream we have allowed life and others to steal. Remember God made you so unique that not even the greatest minds in the world can make another you. Make life worth living. Forgive yourself of all mistakes, lose the victim mentality and chose today to start a new phase in life. The best is yet to come.

peace to you


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