My Opinion only

It is just my opinion! Those are scary words aren't they? I personally do not subscribe to the local newspaper and I try not to watch the news on TV. I will admit that I do read the news occasionally on my tablet because I can pick out the good news. I had a friend a few days back ask me if I ever read his column in the Opinion section of the news paper. I nicely stated that I did not but only because I did not get the paper. He said that I could read it online so being gracious I decided to read a few days of opinions. I will admit I was amazed at how ALL the opinions were negative and trying to incite others to be negative with them. I suppose in the writers of these columns there is no good news left in the world, well in their opinion.

That leads me to a this, the way we see the world IS NOT the way the world really is. That statement in my OPINION is 100% accurate. Granted if you keep saying things are going to be bad you do have a chance at being a prophet. Someday you will get something right. However the opposite of that is true as well. Do nice things, predict happy times, enjoy life, smile, promote positive over negative and trust me wonderful things will magically happen in your life.

I have a close friend that will be starting chemo this coming week. She is 37 years old and been battling this for 15 years. She is a stage 4 fighter and each time gets tougher and tougher. Her and her husband packed in some wonderful fun times this weekend. What they did not do was worry themselves about the latest public opinion, conspiracy theory, blame game, or any other negative thinking that would take them away from the gift of the moment. They, simply put, were living life to the fullest. Imagine what life would be like if we did that every day.

The things that make you mad, are they really worth it? The person in front of you driving to slow, is it really that big of a deal. How about the person that pulled out in front of you or cut you off in traffic, is it really worth getting mad over? How about the friend you thought you could TRUST but they broke that trust and now you MUST never trust them again? REALLY, REALLY, and what they did you have done too. You see when someone breaches your trust you demand justice but when you breach someone's trust you desire forgiveness. STOP and read that again please.

We are human beings folks in every sense of the word. If we are awake and moving we are making mistakes. Every day is not filled with perfection and thank goodness for that. Allow your humanity to be your greatest asset not your biggest burden. Do not judge others with a measure you would not judge yourself with. 

Give peace a chance, not in words, but in actions. STOP blaming others for your plight in life, and by all means stop placing a judgement on others that places them in societies prison for life. WHY? Simple because when you play spiritual, emotional, or moral police and cast your sentence on someone without a doubt the boomerang effect will happen and that which you cast out will in fact come back. What you will find is the jury of life may be as forgiving toward you as you were toward them. Give that some thought please. Life is precious and mistakes happen. Let's do as best we can to help pick people up and not keep them down. People are not stepping stones we use to elevate ourselves they are living breathing humans with feelings. Everyone needs to be loved and at times we all need a hand to hold on to.

I guess this is all just my opinion for the day. I want to promote positive and migrate away from negative. I dream of the day we can all live, love, and accept those around us. I dream of the day we can all explore our differences to make the world a better place. I dream of the day our individual talents can collaborate to create infinite possibilities. I dream of the day we all learn to live life to the fullest. I DREAM of the day we believe that life is worth living and that we truly are the greatest miracle in the world. It is all just my thoughts and opinions.

peace to you


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