Leap of Faith
There are those awesome moments in life when you just wish time can stand still. The special bonding, memorable conversations, or just the overall feelings of joy when all the stars line up. You know you are in the midst of a moment in time that will produce wonderful memories forever. As often as you may try the spark will never be duplicated exactly as it was that one special time.
I bet you can recall moments in life when all of your troubles seem to fade away for those few hours that history was being made. It is those moments, the God winks that often provide us the faith to step out and go places we never imagined we could. Those special moments or conversations came along just when you needed it the most. It may have been something as simple as sitting under the stars with a group of friends watching the clouds roll by. Who knows what produces those moments in time but what I do is that we find the intestinal fortitude to chase the feeling one more time. That magic moment when you say to yourself "could it be I am falling in love with life again". It just felt right and we want to feel it again.
You got to have faith in those God winks, you have to realize how awesome those spots in life are. It has to become a springboard that propels you to a better place and time. Life has to be dynamic because when grass starts to grow around our feet we become stale. Live, breath, love, take action, grow, develop, take chances, and cherish the moment. Those little winks that at first might seem insignificant could possibly be a turning point in life. I must interject something of vast importance here. Those special moments may have come when you were doing something perceived to be morally wrong. Do not underestimate the power and place where winks come from.
This past week I found myself in the most peaceful place in life I have been in for years. I cannot identify as to the why I just feel alive and ready to write the next chapter in my book of life. I did not ask anyone to write it for me nor did I sit down and ask God to write it. I, with God, decided to take the leap of faith and let yesterday be past tense. No longer will I be bound to what was, now I will search for what shall be.
I sit back and reflected on those special times, those awesome seemingly meaning less conversations that now provide the spark or accelerator to move ahead. I found the courage to be me and I gave myself permission to live again. The God wink is clearer than ever. Think about your God winks. They are there and remember even though the actions may have been all wrong in your mind the lesson of life that provides the God wink is there.
I look back over the last 18 months and I found that it was a unique collaboration of life experiences. I lived in the past, I ran from me, I avoided the obvious, yet subliminally the urge or itch to see the wink existed. Finally once I saw the collusion of life events the story started to unfold. God was everywhere, in every step, in every action. The brand, the identity, the true self was being reborn like some action packed science fiction flick. All the actions, events, miscues, everything I did that looking back was wrong and harmful, thanks be to God, brought me right here right now.
I keep telling myself just as I am telling you. You got to have faith. Not faith that some miracle will magically transform your life into the dream you created. The faith comes from you believing that you deserve to be better than good, you deserve to be great. You got to have faith that God has given you the power to write the next chapter. The old cliche "take the leap of faith" is quiet apropos here. Without that leap, however small it may be, you will never feel the peace and energy that comes from believing.
I believe in the power of love. I believe in the power of forgiveness even when you are only forgiving yourself. I believe in the power of accepting that every person has purpose in life and it is good. I believe that taking that leap of faith puts us closer to being one with God and one with life. The umbilical cord that keeps me (you) connected to past transgressions just got cut. Today I take the leap of faith with confidence that my hope for the future is provided by my power in the present. Let's live a dream.
peace to you