Victim to Victor

Stop being a victim of your circumstances. Change the way you view the situation and allow yourself to become a victor. Last night I spent some time with a friend that is fighting stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Naturally she fears what could possibly lie ahead and she also worries about the daily sickness that never seems to go away. Yet through it all she finds ways to be a victor instead of a victim. Her view of life is much different today than it was prior to cancer. Now life is wonderful and truly worth living. Like she said, it is so sad looking back at all the things she took for granted.

We all have plights in life, some self created and some just luck of the draw. Whatever the case it is what it is. We can choose to lay down and accept defeat or we can fight till the end to get the most out of this life possible. I say get up and get moving, fight for life it is worth every minute of the struggle.

Yesterday I also spoke to a nice lady that has been dealing with an alcoholic husband for years. At times there are glimmers of hope and other times it looks totally hopeless. The havoc it has caused is almost unspeakable yet she too finds ways to be a victor and not a victim.

What does this mean for you and I? It means we too can rise above anything and make life better than what is already is. We can change the way we view life and the world and change our life. The world around us may be exactly the same but our attitude towards it is different. God gives us the ability to find love, to offer a sign of peace, to share unconditionally, and to have a heart that desires forgiveness. These are Godly characteristics that we were born with. Just like mastering a skill we also have to practice our God talents in order to master them. When we do it opens up an awesome vision of life we never knew existed.

The moral of the story is this, rise up in splendor and accept that you are the greatest miracle ever created. Even though death is part of the story so is life my friend. For some reason we all accept the fact we are going to die but few ever accept that they can live. Let today start the journey to broaden your view of this wonderful world we inhabit. Change your view and change your life. No more victim mentality, today we decide to be victors.

peace to you


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