Love the one you are with
Earlier today as I was outside blowing leaves I got to thinking about trust. Not so much trust in the traditional sense but more in how much you trust yourself. I think by now most people realize that I love to write about man's search for meaning or better our search for self. Writing about trust was a natural for me.
I can't seem to place my hand on where the lack of trust comes from I just know it comes. As my mind twisted and turned down that winding road I felt I needed to be totally honest in my search for answers. We live in a world of glass houses, you know what I mean, we live in a world where everyone is more aware of your sins than they are of their own. So called friends and family often times choose to expose our sins in an effort to take attention away from theirs. Once we are exposed, and the bones are out of the closet we begin to feel as though no one can trust us so why should we trust ourselves.
This is a dangerous place to be because lack of trust leads to lack of love. Hope is a derivative of trust and when we have trust we can find love and when we find love hope is close by. It is devastating when we lose that faith in ourselves. We begin to question our own decisions to the point that we do not even make them. We focus more on the mistakes we have made or will make instead of the awe and wonder we get from simply making a decision.
We cannot change life, we can only change the way we live life. We cannot change the world but we can change our view of the world and our little acre changes. Life is a dynamic phenomenon of God's greatest work. Life is breathed into us and somewhere prior to death we try to rob ourselves of that breath. That is a weird life characteristic we must change. If life is about change let's change the fact that we do not like or trust who we are.
Consider if everyone could fall in love with themselves. Accept themselves for who they are whether male or female, black or white, gay or straight, rich or poor. Love the one you are with and trust the one you are with because the only one you are ever with is YOU. Think about that for a moment. Love the one you are with is about YOU.
We are good or bad based on our view of ourselves. Sure, life has chewed us up and spit us out but we are still kicking, barely maybe, but kicking none the less. I believe with absolute conviction that if we could give up on the mistakes of the past and focus on the gift of the present and the dream of tomorrow that we could literally bulldoze the obstacles that block our paths. Imagine being free of the chains of bondage that keep us down. The sky is the limit when we learn to break free.
We are an amazing creation, we live in a society that tells us how to act, how to pray, what to believe, where to live, what to invest in, what clothes to wear, who to date, who to marry, what to eat, who to vote for, etc. We have become zombies to our very own lives. No wonder we can't trust ourselves we do not even know who we really are.
Life is about living pure and simple. I recall in scripture when Jesus asked a man to stop and follow him and the man replied "let me go bury my father first'. Jesus said to him "let the dead bury the dead". That is a powerful statement. It is time we let the dead bury the dead and we move on to the land of living. That takes enough trust to take the leap of faith that will propel you from the quicksand you are mired in.
I believe and trust myself. There was a time I allowed my mistakes and people focusing on my mistakes to rob me of my dreams. There was a time I believed that I was not worthy to live life to the fullest. Thank God that time is not now. What will it take for you to find enough trust and belief in yourself to take the leap of faith that will get your life moving again. Do not worry about the mistakes you might make, worry more about sitting still and dying before you have the chance to live.
peace and love
I can't seem to place my hand on where the lack of trust comes from I just know it comes. As my mind twisted and turned down that winding road I felt I needed to be totally honest in my search for answers. We live in a world of glass houses, you know what I mean, we live in a world where everyone is more aware of your sins than they are of their own. So called friends and family often times choose to expose our sins in an effort to take attention away from theirs. Once we are exposed, and the bones are out of the closet we begin to feel as though no one can trust us so why should we trust ourselves.
This is a dangerous place to be because lack of trust leads to lack of love. Hope is a derivative of trust and when we have trust we can find love and when we find love hope is close by. It is devastating when we lose that faith in ourselves. We begin to question our own decisions to the point that we do not even make them. We focus more on the mistakes we have made or will make instead of the awe and wonder we get from simply making a decision.
We cannot change life, we can only change the way we live life. We cannot change the world but we can change our view of the world and our little acre changes. Life is a dynamic phenomenon of God's greatest work. Life is breathed into us and somewhere prior to death we try to rob ourselves of that breath. That is a weird life characteristic we must change. If life is about change let's change the fact that we do not like or trust who we are.
Consider if everyone could fall in love with themselves. Accept themselves for who they are whether male or female, black or white, gay or straight, rich or poor. Love the one you are with and trust the one you are with because the only one you are ever with is YOU. Think about that for a moment. Love the one you are with is about YOU.
We are good or bad based on our view of ourselves. Sure, life has chewed us up and spit us out but we are still kicking, barely maybe, but kicking none the less. I believe with absolute conviction that if we could give up on the mistakes of the past and focus on the gift of the present and the dream of tomorrow that we could literally bulldoze the obstacles that block our paths. Imagine being free of the chains of bondage that keep us down. The sky is the limit when we learn to break free.
We are an amazing creation, we live in a society that tells us how to act, how to pray, what to believe, where to live, what to invest in, what clothes to wear, who to date, who to marry, what to eat, who to vote for, etc. We have become zombies to our very own lives. No wonder we can't trust ourselves we do not even know who we really are.
Life is about living pure and simple. I recall in scripture when Jesus asked a man to stop and follow him and the man replied "let me go bury my father first'. Jesus said to him "let the dead bury the dead". That is a powerful statement. It is time we let the dead bury the dead and we move on to the land of living. That takes enough trust to take the leap of faith that will propel you from the quicksand you are mired in.
I believe and trust myself. There was a time I allowed my mistakes and people focusing on my mistakes to rob me of my dreams. There was a time I believed that I was not worthy to live life to the fullest. Thank God that time is not now. What will it take for you to find enough trust and belief in yourself to take the leap of faith that will get your life moving again. Do not worry about the mistakes you might make, worry more about sitting still and dying before you have the chance to live.
peace and love