My cluttered life

This morning I got up, as I  usually do, and headed to the gym only to find out I got there an hour too early. With that unexpected change in my schedule I decided to sit down and do what I love, which is to write. Beings that I did not know I had time to write this morning I find myself with nothing planned to write about which means I will just let my random thoughts flow.

Has life become to busy to have meaning. That could possibly be the case, but with that being said I wonder if the real truth is life is too busy so that we can avoid it having meaning. It is so easy to get ourselves so full of clutter on our schedules that we have little to no time to think about what we really want to accomplish. To further avoid the possibility that we might have to face living a dream someday we set the stage appropriately by telling everyone else that we love living our lives for our kids and family. Believe me that sounds admirable and to many maybe even the right way to think, but the stark reality is this, when we live our lives for others we miss the key ingredient of why we even exist.

It is sad to me that in this world in which we find ourselves we are taught by others what should and should not make us happy. We are lumped into the statistics of happy this or happy that. We literally become cookie cutter lives yet we were born as individual as the snowflake. We were born originals in the truest sense of the word, yet we find ourselves being molded into the status quo of society. You may ask me, what is wrong with simply fitting in. Before I answer that please look at the rise in depression and anxiety medication over the last few years. Look at the connection of people being unhealthy and overweight to that of our issues with self esteem. There is no question we are not getting it right. Looking further at the religious sector, people are leaving their churches in record numbers and the reasons they give are because they are operated as businesses not as a place to find spiritual peace and love.  We are human, God made each of us unique, we are not all exactly alike yet we try to live in a world that wants everyone to be the same. It goes against God's purpose for us and against our purpose for ourselves. We will never know or appreciate man's search for meaning as long as we continue to live in perfectly molded society that does not work.

Fitting in, being average, in my non professional opinion goes totally against why we were even born. Remember as a kid you wanted to be a daredevil, superman, a model, movie star, a super hero that saves the world, an inventor, a missionary, or whatever. As life progresses you find yourself in a career that helps you simply get by. That leaves our best music still in us and the dreams we will never see go down with the ship. Trust me it is GREAT to love and support your kids but please do not forget about you. When our dreams are shattered or life seems hopeless we cannot martyr ourselves and say things like, "well I just want my kids to have more than I had". The truth is they are probably going to be molded after you.

If you want to be a true example learn to live again, learn to dream, start forming the belief that you are a person that has more meaning than has been exposed as of yet. Live as though you are dying. I am still amazed at the people I meet with cancer that tell me they did not start living until they were told they were dying. Why do we have to start the living process when we are dying?

Forget the past mistakes, you are not and will not be punished for what you did yesterday unless you choose too. The way to make up for mistakes is to become the greatest version of yourself possible. Allow yourself to dream and to accomplish wonderful things. Clear that cluttered schedule of things that are not making your life better. Start adding me time in there and before you know the missing pieces of the puzzle will start coming together. Life is for the living and I hope you choose today to do just that LIVE. Your kids and the people around you will start seeing the love you have for yourself which in turn will give you the ability to love others. Hence the commandment "love your neighbor as you love yourself"

Enough of my totally off the wall random writing. I hope everyone has a wonderful day filled with the possibility that dreams can come true.

peace to you


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